Thank you

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After about an hour of splashing around they made their way up the bank to find their clothes. Raven was the first to have her clothes on trying her best to hide her bruises and scars. After Damien put his clothes back on they walked back the small trail to the place where her four wheeler was parked. When they got there Raven's face immediately turned red with anger. There she seen her ex boyfriend Jacob. He was the definition of a douche bag. She wasn't going to say anything to him if he left her alone. She made her way over to her four wheeler with Damien following behind. Even tho Damien had no idea who this boy was he could tell Raven was not comfortable. As they both climbed on and she reversed the ATV he heard the small voice of Jacob saying "Slut." Damien used all his will power to not punch this guy square in the face. He saw Ravens shoulders stiffen at the sound of his voice. But she kept moving and they were out of there within a minute. When they were on the main rode again Raven stayed at a steady speed until she got to a small shed that said tobacco across it. She hoped off with the engine still running and had Damien do the same. She raised the seat of the four wheeler up and had a fifty dollar bill under there. Once she got it she told Damien he could get back on an that she would be right back. She walked up the two small steps of the shed and went inside. One minute later she walked out with a carton of Marlboro reds in her hand. She then continued down the road to her holler. She drove down the thin road to Damien's house. She stopped and let him off "Thank you for a very fun time today Raven." He said with a small smile. "No problem. Come up tomorrow if you want I'm always home." He gave her a nod and walked into his house. Raven smiled to herself and took a deep breathe and drove up to her house with a look of dread on her face.

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