When they asked you to be their girlfriend

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Tony Stark/Iron-Man:

It was a week later and you were getting antsy about what was going on between you and Tony. You thought maybe you were just a onetime thing for him. You had talked after the date but not really the way you were before, or at least in your eyes. You were hoping, praying he would ask you out on another date or something because truly you did like him. He was a intelligent guy that was respectful in his own way.

Tony had asked you for coffee again and you agreed reluctantly. You were a bit more quiet this time around and you think he noticed. He told you to go find a seat for you two which you did.

He came back with the usual a few minutes later. He seemed to also be more shy now but you didn't understand why he would be.

You cleared your throat, "You okay, Tony?" You questioned with hesitation.

He sighed then straighten up, "(y/n), I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend?" He stated clearly.

You were stunned by the words he had just spewed from his mouth, not really understanding them. You regained your composer, closing your open mouth.

"I would love too," You smiled, feeling a brick lifted off your chest.

He smiled back and took a sip of his coffee, "Alright, meetings over," He motioned 'wrap it up' with his finger which made you laugh.

You were happy with him and that what mattered most, no matter the wait.


Steve Rogers/Captain America:

It was the end of the week and a few days since the date. You hadn't seen Steve anywhere which left you disheartened. You knew it probably meant he was on a mission but you also thought that maybe you scared him off. You liked Steve and you missed him, wishing nothing more than to just talk to him.

You were just lounging on the couch with paperwork on a clipboard in front of you. You had to finish the report for the new case you were assign to but it was a pain in your ass. You heard footsteps come into the room but you didn't look at the person but rather acknowledge them.

"Hello," You greeted simply, not looking up from your paperwork.

"Hey," A familiar voice spoke, accidentally making you drop your clipboard on your face.

You picked it up and quickly swiveled so you were up right and looking at the person. You saw Steve standing there with a smile gracing his lips. You quickly stood up and walked over to him.

"I see your back, soldier." You amuse with a smile, "Welcome back,"

"Wasn't gone for that long. Sorry for disappearing like that," He apologized to you.

"It's alright. It's your mission," You assured.

"So I was wondering if, maybe you would like to be..." He paused for a minute, his cheeks tinting a little, "If you would want to be my girlfriend?" He looked into your eyes, his stunning blue eyes showing hope and worry.

You smile, "Of course, Steve," You walk to him and hug him. He was surprised by your actions but hugged you back instantly. You hid your blush in his chest as joy bursted in your heart.


Thor Odinson/God of Thunder:

It was two days after the date and you hadn't seen Thor since. You didn't think to much of it but you did wish you could talk to him again.

You were walking in the park, music blasting from your earbuds as you enjoyed the scenery around you. A calming sense washed over you as you took your time to relax. You had your head down, looking at your feet, when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You looked to your side and pulled out an earbud. You saw Thor standing there with a smile, his hair pulled back into a ponytail.

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