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hi everyone
it seems like you guys really like this book so far??? i'm so happy abt that!!
keep doin what u do and vote & stuff so i know enjoy;
july 4th, 2014

"cameron!" i grinned, opening my arms. he came in the door fairly quick before giving me a big hug. "how was new york?"

"it was great. was everything good when i was gone?" he asked with a big smile. "yeah, it was all good."

he nodded, leaving his bags at the door and walking into the kitchen with me. "what are your plans for the night?"

"i'm going to see fireworks, i figured you'd be jet lagged, so." he nodded, again. "marcel?" "uh, no, actually. shawn."

i mean, i wasn't going to lie. i'm not a liar- i can't look at him and tell him i'm with someone else.

cameron glanced up at me. "really? how'd that happen?"

"we just became good friends, i guess. i said i wanted to go and that's kinda what happened." he scanned the fridge before grabbing a yogurt.

"well have fun," he smiled. "send pictures."

i raised a single eyebrow with a smirk. "you don't care that i'm stealing your friend?" cam leaned against the counter with a twining look.

"don't worry, i'll hang out with marcel."

"careful, he might flirt with you." i giggled, ruffling his hair before heading up to my room.

there was a knock on the door and i could hear shawn's voice when cam let him in. i put my last coat of clear lipgloss before hurrying down the stairs.

shawn and cameron were talking when i came down and i saw shawn's expression change when he saw me.

"you're so done up!" cam groaned, jokingly. shawn stood up with a stupidly big smile.

"thanks," i rolled my eyes at my brother, giving him a quick hug after we walked to the door. "we probably won't be long. they're normally only an hour or two. make sure you get some rest."

cam nodded, nudging shawn's shoulder. "make sure nobody hits on her."

"i can do that." shawn laughed a little before shutting the door behind us.

when we walked to his car, i smirked a little. "how can you do that?" i asked, innocently.

"i can think of a few ways."

"wow..." i whispered. it seemed like they got prettier and prettier each year. shawn smiled down at me, instead.

"are you cold?" he asked and i shook my head no. "are you sure?"

i giggled, looking up at him. "i'm sure-" shawn shook his head. "tell me you're cold." "why are you asking?"

"so then i can put my arm around you!" he smiled like it was obvious.

i covered my face, giggling, before smiling up at him. "oh my god, i'm literally freezing. i can't believe how cold-"

"why didn't you just say so?" his smile didn't leave as he wrapped a single arm around me. i was nervous incase someone were to take a picture of us, though shawn didn't seem to care at all.

"you better be an over protective boyfriend," a random guy lightly tapped shawn. "i mean, i would be if my girl looked that good."

shawn stood up a little straighter, facing him. "what was that?" he looked like he couldn't believe someone just said that to him.

"i'm just saying, you're girl looks good. need to keep girls like that on a leash." shawn gave a fake laugh, nodding at him.

"fuck off, okay?" "shawn-" i said, not wanting this to go any farther. "everyone's just trying to enjoy the show."

the guy raised his hands, in defense, with a big smirk, knowing that it bothered shawn. "don't act like that." i whispered, looking up at him.

he pursed his lips together, his face illuminated by the fireworks. "i know, i'm sorry. i just don't know who the hell he thinks he is, like-"

"okay, but, for me, there's no one else but you." i subtly held the hand that was wrapped around me. "i- i really love you." it came out as a whisper but i knew he heard it anyway.

his eyes sparkled while he looked down at me. "really?" i nodded with my lips parted. "was i not supposed to say that?" "you love me?"


"i love you, too." he started to smile, giggling.

he leaned down to kiss me, but i pulled away with a smile. "there's a lot of people, girls, here."

"do you wanna ditch the fireworks?"

i was giggling, sitting in the grass and watching the stars instead. we drove up to a small path and found an area to sit where we can actually be together.

shawn had an arm around me when he turned me by my chin and connected our lips. i smiled into the kiss, bringing my hand to his jaw.

he softly bit my bottom lip before tracing with his tongue. i wrapped my arms around his neck as he met his tongue with mine, making my heart race.

he didn't know it, but this is already the furthest i've gone with anyone. i've never had a boyfriend; yeah i've liked people, but it was different. i was experiencing everything for the first time with him. unfortunately, a million other people were apart.

i followed his lead, him being in control. i started to run my fingers through his hair, tugging slightly. i earned a small groan from him, assuring me i didn't something right.

his right hand was on my back while his left was on the ground for balance. he pulled away, leaving a trail of kisses from my jaw to my neck, causing me to tilt my head for easier access.

shawn wasn't leaving hickeys, just kissing, when my phone went off. i sighed, aggravated, pulling it out.

cam: hey, are u on ur way?

me: yea

"we have to go." i pouted and shawn frowned, helping me up. i wiped off my clothes before getting in the passenger seat of his car.

we started driving and we're really only ten minutes away from my house. shawn started dancing to the radio. "girl, you're shinning, like a fifth avenue diamond."

i giggled, watching him. "they don't make them like they used to, never goin out of style." i figured it couldn't hurt to post one video on snapchat.

"you're over my head, you're outta my mind!" shawn laughed, pointing at the camera. i smiled, posting the short clip on my story before joining in.

"imma, pick you up, in a, cadillac." i held one of his hands while he drove.

he pulled up outside of my house. "i'll be over in a couple days." he winked and i playfully rolled my eyes.

"thanks for the fireworks- and not for getting into a fist fight." shawn shrugged, giving me a quick hug. "i could totally take him." "yeah, i'm sure."

i grabbed the door handle, but he quick grabbed my arm. "i love you."

"i love you, too." i blushed, getting out of the car.

my brothers best friend // s.m //Where stories live. Discover now