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"Yes, Elinda, I'm here," I sighed onto the phone, "she'll be out in 5 minutes. I wasn't late," I kept telling her.

"Okay, babe," Elinda replied, "Luke and his friends are gonna be over in 10 minutes so come with her directly to my place," 

"Thank you for lending me the car again," I said.

"Shut up, bitch. Just be here. I miss Ann so much," She replied dramatically.

"Gosh, okay," I laughed softly, "Bye,"

I waited for more two minutes and they finally left, I saw Annora running towards and I walked ahead and picked her up. She kissed my entire face and hugged me, "Mommy, I missed you so much,"

"Nora, aww, I missed you too," I replied and finally walked towards the car, "How was your day?" I asked her.

"The teacher is so nice," she grinned, "she gave me a chocolate,"

"That's so nice, did you have fun?" I asked.

"Yes," she giggled as I set on the seat and buckled it, "there so many stuffed kittys and lions,"

"Wow, you've always wanted a stuffed kitty, right?" I asked her as I buckle my seat too and set off to drive over at Elinda's place.

"Yes, mommy," Annora shook her head, "the teacher said whoever learns the new poems in this week will get one stuffed kitty,"

"That's so cool, so will Annora learn poems now?" I asked.

"Yes, mommy. Annora will learn. Annora is a big girl now," She gave me a big smile, "are we going to Elinda aunt's house?" she asked.

"Yes, baby. We are,"

"But why?" she asked again.

"Because we're going to meet uncle Luke and his friends," I told her.

"Who is uncle Look?" she asked back.

"He's Elinda aunt's boyfriend," I simply replied.

"Oh, yes. She was talking about it in the morning," Annora grinned since she finally had the idea of what was going on.


"Elinda, can you please get Annora down? Don't play with her as if she's a ball," I said, being worried as Elinda continued throwing Annora up
like she's a basketball and then catching her. Annora was laughing really hard and looking like she was having the time of her life.

"She's okay with it," Elinda simply replied and then put Annora down on her feet and stood up, "Let me introduce to the boys, come in,"

"Okay," I replied, "Annora! Don't jump like that!"

"Cut her some slack," Elinda chuckled.

"There are people living down, you know?" I replied.

"Oh, you meant it that way," Elinda shook her head and walked towards her bedroom.

"Guys, this is Selita," she introduced me to the four boys and Annora was now hiding behind my leg since she saw people sitting on the bed, "And here is her daughter hiding behind her,"

"Annora," I called out and held her in my arm, "You're not even that shy."

"Mommy that uncle has cotton candy on his hair," she pointed out to the pink haired guy in front of us, "I want to eat it, mommy,"

Everyone, including me laughed at how cute Annora was, "My hair is just pink colour," the guy spoke up.

"Can I touch it?" Annora muttered.

"Sure, come here!" the guy opened his arms so Annora could run to him.

"Hey, I'm Ashton," the tan guy with brown hair spoke up, "nice to meet you."

"I'm Calum," the guy next to Luke said. He was tanned too, he had dark hair and a really prominent jaw.

"And I'm Luke," Luke smiled.

"Mommy, Look uncle is the one you wanted to meet," Annora said proudly like she solved a really tough quiz here.

I smiled, "Yes, Annora. Nice to meet you all,"

"I'm Michael," the pink haired guy said, "Ow! You're pulling it too hard," he moaned as Annora kept pulling his hair.

"Lunch is ready," Elinda finally said, "Lets get ourselves to the dining table,"


"The food is really good," I spoke up after a good 15 minutes silence.

"Mommy, did I tell you I made a boyfriend today?" Annora smiled as she told me.

I almost choked on my food and everyone burst into laughter, "You made a boyfriend?" Michael asked, chuckling.

"Yes. Elinda Aunt told me when you make a friend who is a boy.. they are called boyfriends," Annora replied proudly.

"Nora, you're so cute," Elinda laughed, "Can I adopt you?"

"I love mommy too much," Annora whined, "mommy, why is everyone laughing at me? Uncle Look is also aunt's boyfriend, right?"

"Its pronounced as Luke, Annora," I said.

"Look..." Annora replied.

"L-you-ke," I said.

"L..Luke," Annora finally said.

"Yes!" Luke clapped, "so tell me about your boyfriend,"

"Oh! Look uncle, his name is Chris. And he likes furry lions," Annora grinned, "he drank my water today. He said his daddy will get him juice from tomorrow," she looked at me, "Mommy where is my daddy?" she asked.

I bit my lower lip, everyone around us was now looking at me. Elinda must have told them about me being a single mother and all that. This wasn't the first time Annora asked me about her dad, all the other times I never really paid attention and told her that he was away for work. But for how long I was gonna lie?

"Annora," Michael spoke up, saving me there, "do you like chocolate mint ice cream?"

"Yes!" Annora replied.

"Me too! Give me a high-five," they exchanged high fives, "Once you're done with dinner, we'll go out for ice cream?" he smiled.

"Yes! Mommy likes Vanilla ice cream, we'll take mommy too," She smiled at him and then looked at me, "Mommy, you'll come?"

"Of course," I replied. I then met Michael's eyes and mouthed a 'thank you' and he just smiled and shook his head.

Single Mom // Michael Clifford.Where stories live. Discover now