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"You know," Michael said as he trailed his sloppy kisses on my neck and I unbuttoned his shirt, "I'm gonna miss you so fucking much,"

"Mmm," I say as I throw his shirt somewhere in the room, "Me too. We're visiting you in London, right?"

"Yup," he replied as he kissed my stomach and unbuttoned my jeans, "I've asked Dave to book the tickets, he'll inform you,"

"That's good," I say as a moan escapes my lips and I pull his hair a little, "We only have a week, ugh,"

""Baby," he looks up, "This week will be the best fucking week of your life," he winks.

"Gosh, Michael," I blush a little, "Can you please not be a tease?"

He comes up and kisses me on my mouth, "You know," he says in between, "I love Annora but I'm glad she is with her granny,"

"Shut up and -" he cuts me off with a kiss again.

"Since you're insisting so much," he finally gets rid of my damn jeans and leaves kisses on my thighs, "are you really sure?"

"Yes," I nod.

"Like 100%?" he asks again as he plays with the waistband of my underwear.

"Michael," I sigh as I let out another moan.

He giggles. I don't believe him. He's such a kid. "Do I really have to use protection?" he says as he puts his body weight on mine again and unclasps my bra.

"Yes?" I look at him in disbelief.

"Okay," he frowns as he looks down on my chest as if they're heaven, "I wanted another sibling for Annora,"

"Michael, love," I cupped his face, "I know you want babies with me, but we need a little practice don't you think?"

He looks at me with wide eyes, "You're so horny!" 

"If you're going to waste time, then -" with that he strips the last piece of my clothing and kisses me hard. 

He then pauses for the last time for protection and then kisses my chest, my stomach, my neck, my cheeks, my mouth, my thighs.... my body. It was wonderful. He was so so tender and gentle and loving. This was amazing. I felt so good. I kissed him back and left a few marks down his neck. He then positioned himself and looked up at me for the last time, as if he still wants assurance that this is okay, I nod in pleasure and he enters me. And God, was it beautiful. With every thrust, we got closer and closer and I wasn't on earth. I was either in hell or heaven, and I knew I was in heaven because he was so.. so beautiful. He was wonderful. With every moan that escaped my lips, with every "I love you," that came out of his lips, I was getting closer to God. I knew I was closest to God at this point because the feeling was incredible. My spirit was alive. My body, under his control, was feeling one of the best thing in the world. This wasn't lust anymore, this wasn't about wanting each other, this was being with each other. This was love. It was for me. I knew it was for him too. I didn't care what everyone said about us, this wasn't about them anyway. I love him. Oh my god, I love him.

 When we hit our highs and his eyes met mine, and he smiled. A million dollar smile, "I love you," the words escaped his lips so easily, it was beautiful. It was so beautiful that he wasn't scared of it anymore. It was beautiful because he could own up to it. It was just beautiful. I don't think I could ever put this moment into words. I don't think words have the power to describe what I really felt. This was just pure innocence. Like the first kiss, the first "I love you", the first time. Everything about this was innocent. The rest of the world was black and white. Right now, nobody could hurt us and it was precious. He was precious.

"I love you, too," I replied and he laid next to me, cuddling me, "I really love you,"

"You changed my life," he said.

"And you changed mine," I smiled and pecked his lips.

"You can wear my shirt," he said, "that'll be very sexy."

"You're such a kid," I laughed as I got up and wore his shirt.

"I know, Mom," he smirked and wore his jeans.

I groaned, "Don't even try to do that,"

"But I just did," he winked.

I laid down on my bed again and patted the empty space on the bed, "Just cuddle me and sleep,"

"Okay," he smiled and snuggled in closer to me, "Goodnight, babe. Thank you for the wonderful time, tonight,"

"Hmm, I love you," I say sleepily and yawn.
He pulled up the blanket over us and kissed my forehead, "and I love you,"


FINALLY THEY DID IT! I'm sorry for the late update (again!!) it's just that boys suck and I'm having a very hard time BUT I LOVE Y'ALL AND  THANK YOU FOR READING!! XO

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