Put Some Fucking Pants On.

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Authors Note;
Hey guys, a new fanfic omg wot I know, the other ones were kind of a major failure so yeah here we are ily and stay fabulous xo

"No, it's not fucking fair Michael shouldn't be allowed to go out at all hours of the night and then just wonder in 4 hours past curfew with three other idiots and not be chastised, it's not fair!" I complained.

"Well I shouldn't have to put up with my 16 year old daughter whining about her 18 year old brothers life all day long, yet here we fucking are, now do the dishes then go get ready for school, I mean it, I'm over this shit." my mum stated annoyingly.

"Yes ma'am" I sarcastically whisper back before turning to the dishwasher with my tea towel.
There was a massive bang followed by some cursing then 3 sets of footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Morning Mrs Clifford" Luke states cheerily, walking over to my mum and pulling her into a large hug.
"Luke, how many times do I have to tell you boys, call me Karen." she grins at the three boys standing in my kitchen.
"Sure thing Karen," Ashton winks.
"No way!" Calum interrupts, "You'll always be Mumma Clifford to me" he laughs.

"Alright, well you kids be good I've got to head of to work before I'm late, be good Vi," my mum turns and kisses me on the forehead before grabbing her handbag and keys and walking out of the house, leaving me alone with my brothers 3 extremely attractive, extremely idiotic bestfriends, yay me!

Calum and Ashton make their way into the living room to take advantage of our PayTv so I'm left standing here in my oversized Coldplay shirt and a pair of grey pyjama shorts.
"What's up mini Clifford?" Luke asks playfully as he pushes my now faded blue hair out of my eyes.
"Not much Hemmings, yourself?" I retort gleefully.
"I like your shirt" he winked at me and walked away.

Just then Michael entered the kitchen in his stupid flannelette button up with black skinny jeans.
"Violet, you so better not be talking to my mates?" he demands.
"Never, oh King Clifford" I scoff.
"Good, now go get ready for school or else you're walking, and please for the love of god, put some fucking pants on" he growled as he walked away from me.
I threw the spoon I was drying at his stupid green hair and stomped up to my room in embarrassment.

"Today's going to be a long ass day" I whispered to myself as I entered my bedroom.

I walked into the bathroom with a towel and turned on the shower waiting for it to warm up, I stripped down and threw my pyjamas and dirty underwear into the hamper, I put my hair into a messy bun and put my shower cap on (hey, do you know how quickly blue hair fades when you wash it every day?, really quick okay so keep yo' judgemental 'oMg she doesn't wash her hair ew ratchet' comments to yourself, peace) and hopped into the shower, after shaving and brushing my teeth and myself I turned off the water and got out, I wrapped my towel around my body and took my hair out of the cap, I walked out of the bathroom, only to walk straight into someone's chest, and fall straight on my ass.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed as I tried to cover my body again.
"Oh mother Mary Jesus and Christ, I'm so sorry Violet, I didn't meant to, holy shit please don't tell Mike, he'll beat me up if he knew I saw his baby sister's rack" Ashton rambled quickly.
"Ash, seriously, it's fine just move out of my way and shut the fuck up, what were you doing walking around near my room anyway?" my comforting words soon turn questioning.
"Michael said that if you don't hurry up and get downstairs in 10 minutes you're walking" he quickly stated before turning and walking down the stairs.
"Tell Michael to suck me off" I yell back at him.

I walk into my room and lock the door, I dry my body and throw on some underwear, I grab the first shirt I see which just so happens to be my Nirvana band shirt, and put on some studded high rise jean shorts, I tuck my shirt into my shorts and put my socks and floral Doc Martins on, I put my deodorant on and quickly brush through my hair, I put a light layer of foundation on and then do my eyeliner and mascara, not bothering with lipstick or eyeshadow, I throw on my my grey rad beanie and grab my bag and phone and run downstairs, just as Michael is unlocking the front door.

"You're lucky kid, Luke's in the toilet so wait here for him then lock the door behind him," Michael states.
I poke my tongue out at him and wait by the bottom of the stairs for Luke.

"Hurry the fuck up." I mutter as I pick at my red nail polish.
"Why in such a rush princess?" he whispers into my ear from behind as he wraps his arms around my waist.
"Luke stop, we have to go, Michael's waiting" I scold him.
"We've got some time, it's okay" Luke replies smugly and smashes his lips onto mine, he then pulls away before I can react and laughs smugly, pulling on his lip ring with his teeth.
"Remember that kid, it won't happen again" he laughs and walks out the door like nothing happened.
I stood their for a minute in shock, then quickly regather my thoughts and lock the front door before running towards my brothers purple Suzuki, or as we like to call it 'The Beast' and isn't it just my luck, I'm sitting next to Luke.
He winks at me and then turns and starts speaking to the rest of the boys.

What the actual fuck just happened?


Oh Jesus okay so that was such a shit chapter, I'm sick and watching Sons Of Anarchy so yeah idek ily, lemme know what you think, x

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