The Hot Ones Are Always Gay

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Authors note; just a quick one I'd just really like to thank everyone for actually ready this, I know I've only got like 18 reads and 6(?) votes but that's still an amazing amount, wow. So thanks :)

Also I'm going to be adding dates into the chapters so it doesn't get confusing, the last one was Monday February 28th 2014.

I know Michael didn't have green hair and yadayadayada but shh.

Chapter Dedication; Rhiannon_Kate, (who a new character will be loosely based off ohhhh) for continuously pushing me to update regularly and just always being around, I love you Annon :*



Friday March 4th 2014.

Violets P.O.V;

After a whole boring week of repeating the same routine as Monday, the week was finally closing to an end and to back it so much better, we got a four day weekend as the school is shut down for inspection because some kid cut some wire or something, I don't even know.

It was 12.15 pm and I was blissfully scrolling through tumblr when there was a knock on my bedroom door, I shut the lid of my laptop and walked towards the door.

"Michael, I don't have your fucking xbox controller" I said as I opened the wooden door, only to find Calum standing there.

"Hey Vi, can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked shyly, looking down at his feet.

"Ugh, sure" I said, still slightly shocked as to why Calum Hood was at my bedroom door.

He walked over to the edge of my bed and just sort of stood there.

I quickly shut the door and crawled back in the centre of my bed, I patted the spot in front of me and motioned for him to sit.

He took a deep sigh then sat down.

"Vi, there's something I need to talk to you, but I don't want you to hate me okay?" He started slowly.

I was confused, Calum and I weren't the closest people in the world, but he was still one of my friends, Luke's best friend actually.

Calum's P.O.V(wotomfiknow)

The boys and I were all sitting around in Michaels garage just messing around, currently Michael and Luke were in the midst of an intense game of FIFA and Ashton was laying upside down on the couch, legs over the back, head towards the floor, playing what looked to be piano tiles on his phone.

"Boys, let's play a game" I say.

Michael paused the xBox and laughed at me,

"Mate, we are playing a game"

"No I mean, like never have I ever or something"

"What are you, a 14 year old girl?" Ashton teased.

"No, his right let's play." Luke agreed.

Ashton smirked mischievously and looked between Luke and I.

"I've got a better, idea. But, it involves Violet." Ashton spoke, directing the last part towards Michael.


"Nup, no way in hell, no it's not happening," Michael murmured as Ashton finished explaining his ingenious bet.

"Why mate? it's not going to actually hurt her, because she won't actually fall for them" Ashton explained.

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