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Colby's POV

Fiancée: ok baby I trust you should we tell them tonight

Me: we should.....I'm so excited

Elton POV

We arrived at the restaurant we ate then sam

"Ok so we brought you all here today one because we wanted to celebrate our engagement with our family and two to give you guys a announcement we understand if you don't want us to live with you guys after this but..........Colby is pregnant"

"Oh my god congratulations you guys and of course we still want to live with you guys we can't allow our niece or nephew growing up not knowing how to pull a good prank" I say

"Hey your dog is sitting pink"

"And still have no beard" Colby says matterafactly

I stick my tongue out at them

"So how is this possible"

"I don't know Colby had a weird stomach bug and I took him to the doctor and she said it wasn't a stomach bug Colby had this gene called mpreg which means you can get pregnant if you sleep with a guy 5 out of 10 man can have it and that Colby was pregnant"

"I swear if this a prank i will cry" I say

"It's not a prank here's the ultrasound" sam says and pulls a picture out of his wallet

"Oh my god your having a baby"I hug them both and it turns into a group hug I'm so happy for them

2 weeks later

Unknown number: hey Elton you gave me your number two weeks ago it's heath can I call you I have to tell you something

Me: yea call me

Unknown number calling

"Hey Elton"

"Hey heath"

"Where are you right now I think we should meet up"

"I'm not in Kansas"

"Me either I live in LA"

"Oh my god me too"

" Highland park does that work?"

"Yeah I'm leaving five"

"Ok me too"

Corey is still throwing up when I get downstairs

"Hey corey you ok"

"Yeah I'll be fine I have a doctors appointments tomorrow"

"Ok well I'm going out I'll see y'all"

"K bye" with that I leave and get in my car and drive to highland park and sit on a bench and wait for heath watch families moms and dads pushing there children on swings and teaching kids how to ride bikes and stuff then heath sits down next to me

"Hi Elton"

"Hi heath"

"Do you remember anything from that night cause I Don't"

"Me Either"

"Well me and Zane broke up"

"Oh my god I'm sorry"

"It's fine"

"So how are you"

"I'm good I guess but I have something to tell you"


"I'm........um how do I say this I'm pregnant"

"What oh my god I'm so happy for you and Zane"

"Elton your not getting it I've never slept with zane and the last guy slept with it was two years ago so there is only one other person who could be the dad"

"Oh my god it's mine"

"There you go"

"Oh my god" how am I supposed to feel I love Corey and barely know him but that's my baby ugh what do I do

"Elton say something other then oh my god"

"Um i don't know what to say"

"I got kick out of my house my boyfriend left me and now my baby daddy is not happy and probably hates me that's great" he says getting up to walk away I get up and grab his arm

"I never said I wasn't happy I just need a minute you said you got kicked out do you need a place to stay"


"Then move in with me"


"But um heath"

"Yeah Elton"

"This may sound like the most asshole thing in the world but I can't date you I'm in love with someone else"

"It's ok Elton as long as you love our baby"

"Ok that won't be hard he or she is a part of me"

Group chat

Me:guys i have two announcement and when I get home be waiting in the living room


Colbs: I might be late Pregnancy problems

Aaron: ok

Jake: ok

Core😍: um I also have thrEeBIG announcements

Ten minutes later

Me: I'm home

I go inside and have heath sit in the car I start
The conversation
Me: hey guys I have something to tell you

Everyone: ok

Me:well you know how I came out as gay


Me: well met this guy named heath we slept together and I got him pregnant and I was hoping he could move in to the editing room because we're not dating but we're friends and he got kicked out

Everyone except Corey: of course

Me: cool would you guys like to meet him

Everyone: Yes

I go out to my car and tell heath to come in he does

Me: everyone this is heath

Heath: hi guys

Everyone: hi heath

We sit down and Corey stands up

Corey: hey guys ok so here are my announcements 1: I broke up with Devyn 2: I'm gay and 3:I'm......

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