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Eltons pov

Elton Corey em Colby sam and josh (colby had a boy they thought it was gonna be a girl but its a boy) are finally going home they are going together they arrive at the mansion and they go inside Colby, sam and josh go upstairs and settle in Elton brought em upstairs so that him and Corey could spend time together sam and Colby listen out for em and Corey turned on the tv and watch some movies well cuddled close to Elton they hear the door open and then some giggling and then next thing they know the see Jake pushed against the bar by Aaron Jakes hands move up and down Aaron back then eventually ending on his butt

Elton clears his throat

"Uh hey guys when did you get home"

"Earlier when did this happen" Elton pointed at Jake and Aaron

"Uh about 10ish months ago you know when sam proposed"

"What why didn't you tell us" Corey buts in

"Well uh we didn't want to bother you guys you know with elton getting heath pregnant then you then heath losing the baby and you and Colby practically being on bed rest and just everything thing it just wasn't that important"

"You guys are important tell us how it happened"

Flashback in Aaron's pov

I was sitting in the guest bedroom and jakes parents house and jakes parents weren't home i was awkward cause I don't know any of jakes siblings

Jake😍: wyd im bored

Me: nothing im really bored as well

Jake:do you want to come to my room and hang out with me


I get up and walk to jakes room which is right next to mine i sit on his bed

"Hows uh Gabbie"

"We broke up"

"Oh my god I'm sorry"

"Don't be i love someone else"

"Oh my gosh who"

"Uh um a guy"

"Ok now you have to tell me.....don't tell me its Colby because everyone is in love with Colby and well he's getting married and i~" i was interrupted by jakes lips on mine I felt every bone in my body quiver jake pulled away leaving his forehead on mine looking into my eyes like he was trying to find something he whispered

"It's you"

End of flashback back into random view

"Awww oh my god you guys are actual goals"Corey squealed

"Yeah" Elton agreed

Aaron blushed

"Well um me and aar are gonna go to bed night guys" they ran upstairs

"Who knew" Elton chuckled

Elton and Corey went back to watching tv eventually Corey fell asleep on Elton

"I love you so much Corey Scherer hopefully soon Castee"

Jaaron/eltorey filler

3:00am-Eltorey (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now