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Skipping 7 months

Corey's POV

Heath moved in with his boyfriend Zane we talk a lot Elton after losing heaths baby he was been so annoying about me going out he makes me eat 5 meals a day Yea 5 fucking meals I've gained a lot of weight I mean I am 8 months pregnant but whatever we're having a girl I love how we told the roommates what we're having


House meeting

ok guys so we want to tell you what we're having so follow me we go to the garage we got a bottle that doesn't say on the outside but when you open it pink powder comes out oh yeah and the only ones who knew were heath and Zane so me and Elton are going be surprised to Elton took the bottle and smashed it on the ground and revealed that it was a girl I scream and we group hugged

End of flashback

We still don't have a nursery and the baby is gonna be born in a month I freaking out

"Elllltttttooooonnnnnnn" I whine

"What Corey" oh yeah and me and Elton aren't really dating we're just kinda sleeping together

"We don't have a nursery where is the baby gonna sleep? what if the roommates don't want us to live here anymore?"

"Corey why are you worried about this right now it is 3:00am"

"Because I can't sleep can you cuddle me"

"Of course Corey" he wraps me up in his arms from the back

Then sam comes in covering his eyes as a joke

"We have a surprise for you Corey,Elton and Colby "

"Ok" he grabs my hand and I follow him

"this better not be like some smack cam or I will kill all of you"

"It's not" he takes me to his old room they finished Elton's pink prank and painted all of the the room pink and there's a 2 white crib a pink elephant in one of the cribs then just a cute teddy bear that is white in the other and Colby is next to me with tears in his eyes I'm just shocked that Jake aaron and sam would Do this for us well not sam I mean it is his baby to I'm just surprised Aaron got off of Fortnite I guess then I feel this pain in my stomach oh shit I think I'm in labor

3:00am-Eltorey (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now