471 10 2

Mostly zeath fluff

Elton's POV

I fell asleep in Corey's room I woke up to heath shaking me

"Elton wake up"

"What heath"

"Something's wrong"

"What do you mean something is wrong"

"I mean the baby was moving then it stopped all of a sudden"

"Let's go to the hospital"

I wrote a note for Corey so he won't worry to much we arrive at the hospital and they instantly got us a room we sat there for awhile people came in and out taking ultrasounds taking blood doing different things blah blah not saying much then the actual doctor came in

"Hello mr and mr hussar" she was interrupted by heath

"We're not married or even together he's a good friend and baby daddy"

"Ok then mr.hussar we have run lots of tests and i am so so so sorry to inform you this you lost the baby you couldn't of done anything different these happen a lot different with mpreg cases 2 out of 10 cases of mpreg lose the baby"

"Is there a chance my boyfriend could lose my other baby" I say with tears coming down my face I just lost my son or daughter and could lose my other one

"I don't know but I suggest you keep him in bed a lot and make him eat and drink as much as possible and once again I'm so sorry for your loss" and she walks out I look up at heath he's on the phone

"Hey Scott" he cries

"I had a miscarriage" he cries even hard

"No d~"

"Fuck we have to go home now " he says to me we get in the car and drive home I run upstairs

Heaths pov

Ok so I didn't tell Elton the whole story i never told anyone in the house other then Scotty I didn't even tell him I was leaving me and Zane had already broken up cause he didn't trust me ugh I love him but he probably hates me now when the doctor told me I lost my baby I instantly had to call Scotty I knew he was already worried

"Hey Scott" I can't stop crying

"What's wrong"

"I had a miscarriage"

"Oh my god I'm telling Zane he's the only one who can really help you through this and I really want both of you to be happy"

"No d" crap he hung up on me i know Zane is gonna come to the house so I have to be there

"We have to go home now" a

We get there and Elton goes upstairs the only one downstairs is sam so I explain what is going home he hugs me (a/n I almost put Devyn instead of sam cause I just feel like she's the one who helps with feelings and Stuff you know what I mean)

I was hugging sam then I hear a car pull in the drive way knowing a exactly who it was

"Oh shit"


"Baby" someone cries from the entrance yes he did just walk in He runs to me and hugs me crying into my shoulder as we fall to the floor

"i missed you so much don't you EVER do this to me again you scared the crap out of me I love you so much I was so worried"

"I'm sorry baby I couldn't let you see me like this"

"Um sorry for interrupting a good moment but who is this"

"Sam this is my ex boyfriend Zane,zane this is my friend sam"

"Wait now that I'm actually thinking Zane aren't you in David dobricks vlogs hey and you to heath"


"Oh my god I love David"

"Wow"heath says sarcastically

"How is Elton taking all of this?" Zane says

"I honestly don't know he didnt say anything at the hospital or in the car and once we got home he ran upstairs" I says

"I hope is ok"sam says with a sad smile

666Word count without theses ones

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