Chapter 1

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The information must've leaked out somehow. There were rumors buzzing around at every corner but in a busy world around a busy time, there was no stopping to consider the impossible. It's not like she would ever allow the rumors to break her foundation, crack her shields, and threaten to reminisce the bloody memories that shattered an innocent childhood. 

Even though this leaked information could possibly be the answer, she stopped chasing possibilities years ago. Cherry colored liquid trickling down my chest. Daddy's bold blue eyes usually smiling, forever frozen in misery and fear. His mouth open as he had died screaming my name, his huge arm that use to hold me to soothe fear, give comfort, now lied inches from me and so far from its host. 

"She finally graces us with her presence." Rodrick's voice pulled her out of the past at the same​   time she slammed her mental shields back into place. She put her bag down beside the bench and began putting gloves on. She looked up into a stunning hazel gaze. Rodrick's eyes had always been mesmerizing. Perhaps that was how he had snuck his way into her bed months earlier. "I thought I was early Rick." His semi full lips formed a breathtaking grin that usually had other women drooling. Good thing she wasn't other women. 

"Last one here is considered late, Sammy. You know what that means." He leaned against the doorway leading into the gym as she finished strapping the gloves on and pushed her bag inside a locker. "Tell everyone to begin voting on what they want for dinner." She said over her shoulder. Last member to the gym in our crew had to pay for dinner for everyone. As she turned she noticed he was staring at her ass when he quickly switched his gaze to her breasts with a half-smile that would, again, have other women begging for his touch. She however became annoyed. 

"Watch it Rodrick. You the know the rules by now and you know I have no problem kicking people out of my personal life." His green brown gaze lifted to hers and he still had that half-smile pasted on when he yelled, "Sammy says take a vote." His tongue darted out to slowly lick those seemingly perfect lips. "Until tonight, Viper." He used her nickname everyone had called her before turning and heading over to the treadmill.

Samriah's annoyance heightened as her fists curled and she felt that all-too familiar warmth spread from within and into her closed palms. Eyes widening, she quickly glanced down as the turquoise glow dissipated. Taking two deep breaths she went out into the gym and met Greg in the center of the mat where they started the usual hand to hand combat. She moved with stealth and speed that no one could compete with on the team, hence the nickname Viper. 

When Greg kicked she blocked, he punched and she'd quickly grab his arm and flip him onto his back. If he kicked her feet out she'd roll with it and be standing within seconds. Within 15 minutes Greg was bent over, hands on his knees, and breathing heavily while the rest of the crew snickered. She crossed her arms, far from breathless and tried to hide a grin threatening to form. "Shut...the hell...up!" Greg said as he straightened to his full 6 foot height. He closed his chocolate colored eyes and thrust his fingers into his light auburn hair that was damp with sweat. He wiped his brow as he glanced at the group and gave them a small smile.

"Who's next in line?" He asked and so the bets began and she was practicing with each of the crew.

After each person was done with the hand to hand combat, almost two hours had gone by and they were all soaked with sweat. As always Rick was last to go and lacked speed but he had Samriah with strength, the damn walking steroid, however she still won. He had her on her back and out of breath at times but she was too fast for someone so stocky to keep up with. They stood side by side, hands on top of their heads, trying to catch their breath while the rest of the crew had moved on to other equipment. "As always, ​Samriah, ​you can't be beat." Muscles stiffened at the use of her real name. Eyes narrowed, she glared at Rick and took a step closer to his much larger frame. Another 6 foot man compared to her 5 foot 5 form made her stare up at him. Along with his height, he had huge muscles from working out at a constant rate, but it did little to suppress her anger.

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