Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Elijah had been pacing and eating throughout the day. Rest was a thing of the past. He couldnt get her off his mind. He couldnt stop thinking of her and wanting to return to her. He had a hollow feeling in his gut that he couldnt name and it was causing him to over think every moment that occured between them. Sometimes he would stop to caress the tattoo they shared. Laliska watched every minute of this madness. For the first time she felt the green eyed monster of jealousy rearing its ugly head towards this mysterious woman that had caught his attention. Never before had she been jealous as she abided her time throughout the centuries, waiting for him to see her. To see she was no longer a child even though she had been frozen at that time, her mind had continued to age. Elijah was meant for her. She just knew it and had been waiting for him to finally see it as well.

She thought back to the time when she had been given to him by her family. She had been frightened yet a small part of her was excited for a new adventure. She had been kept on a tight leash by her father because they knew one day she'd be given as a blood slave. Some vampires were known to slaughter the family if the girl was not a virgin or had been promised to another. Of course, Elijah had encouraged her to be betrothed to an honorable man. She had always made up excuses until he stopped bringing it up. Not knowing after a few short weeks with him, his kindness had made her fall in love. Now, she couldn't imagine a future without him. Which was why she had to figure out a way to stop this unbalance.

No telling what was changing along with the balance. She might start aging, he might not need blood anymore, or the war could kill him. Always her fear but now it scared her further. She needed him to need her so he'd see they were meant for each other!

"I can hear your heart hammering away little bird." The old nickname was glorious to hear. "I just fear what the unbalance has done to you." He stopped pacing to look at the wood carving he hadn't yet finished. "I won't toss you out no matter what the balance does to my appetite." He had already made that clear but she nodded her head as if that was her main concern.

He went to his wood carving and began working. "I do wish you would have been betrothed with a family. Alec would have made sure they became immortal. Then you'd have more than just me as family." Her heart skipped a beat. Alec's name always made alarm shoot through her body. He was a scary brooding man she could never be around for a long period of time. He must think her frail and timid. He was right at some point but now she just wanted to cut his ties to her Elijah. He always put him in the line of fire in this forever ongoing war. She wanted Elijah out of it for good when he settled with her.

Laliska thought of how he used the word family to describe his relationship to her. ​Family as in spouse?​ She certainly hoped so.

She opened her mouth to ask what exactly he meant but Elijah continued. "A light witch with the premonition ability has been waiting for this time for many decades. The Nykood has given us a clue to what may be happening." He was finally opening up to her about what was going on! She had been waiting for this very moment so she could plan what to do next. She needed Elijah away from the woman and away from war.

"What is happening with the balance?" He stopped carving but didn't look at her. That's when she realized he hadn't looked at her at all since seeing that witch.

"Restoring balance may come from a connection I have with the witch I recently met. ​Samriah​." She felt her heart sinking and had an overwhelming feeling to vomit but she made herself stand still and listen to his words. The way he said her name....well he never said hers in that way. Not even her nicknames.

"I have never been one to rely fully on this book or the witches premonitions. They can be very unpredictable. Therefore, I am deciding on my own whether this connection is for the light or the darkness."

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