Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Samriah came awake to an awful smell and cringed away. Her body ached and rebelled against the movement. She moaned. She felt so...empty. "Samriah?" Both Alec and Ivy's voices thundered in Samriah's mind. She squeezed her eyes and moaned again.

Everything hurt. Had she been hit by a truck or run over by a wendigo? What happened—

"ELIJAH!!" The scream came out hoarse and all the physical pain melted away at the emotional one. He was gone. Their connection was gone. Her vision blurred and she curled into her self as she continued to reach for him through their connection. It was like reaching through a black void and only grasping open air. No brick wall when he was blocking her out for her own stupidity. Just air. Nothing. Because he was gone.

A wail rose and it her took a few seconds to realize it was coming from her. "Samriah!" Alec shook her and his voice cut through the pain but she couldn't focus. He grabbed her head and she knew he was calling her name but she couldn't hear him anymore.

"...alive!" Alive? No, no, Alec he's gone. I saw—

"Open your eyes." She had no control when her eyes flipped open, commanded by Alec's harsh tone. "Listen to me. She lied. It was an illusion. He is alive. Concentrate on your feelings for Elijah and your memories. Open yourself completely."

Denial immediately rose within her. Not only from the fact that she had seen his body wither in front of her eyes, but denial to open up and become vulnerable. She could feel the probing coming most likely from Alec in her head. He was desperate to reach his friend and she was desperate to have Elijah back but was she desperate enough to let go of all the hurt and pride her past had caused her to have so she could possibly reach Elijah?

There was so much at stake. She was aware enough to see Alec clearly and he look determined, angry, and desperate. He obviously believed Elijah was still alive. But what if he was wrong. He didn't seem the type to be wrong, ever, with his power capabilities, but there was always the possibility that she would let go and reach for him just to still grasp emptiness. Then there was the prospect of letting go, reaching for him, and actually connecting with him again.

Hope bloomed in her chest at that option. She knew if she chose this way, she would expose her cold heart and admit to feelings that she had been too afraid to face this entire time.

"Samriah. We are running out of time." Alec's tone was low and unforgiving. She knew he was hearing her thoughts and therefore knew her debate but he was going to get very pushy about connecting with Elijah if she chose not to be vulnerable.

She looked around and for the first time noticed Ivy and a few other witches from the coven looking at her with fierceness. They all believed in her.

She looked back at Alec, took a deep breath, and summoned her magic while ignoring the screaming aches all over her body. Without Elijah, she was weaker than she ever had been. Yet another piece to their ever-evolving puzzle showing her that their connection was real. Or it had been.

She focused her powers enough to show the scene of her memory around them. The outdoor patio within the coven's village was replaced with the forest and snow. She watched yet again as Elijah looked at her with such devotion. That was something she had missed the first time. His stormy eyes softened just slightly when he looked at her. How had she missed this?

Then when that woman—that bitch—extended her hand into his chest from behind, his face expression turned to severe pain and his body began to gray and wither. Samriah looked away and the memory faded. She looked into Alec's unnaturally white pale eyes. "Why would you think he would still be alive after that?"

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