Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The white door opened at her push but hit something in its path. Her heart was pounding and for once, her powers were silent, leaving her alone with her fear. She stepped inside and almost slipped. She yanked at the door to pull herself up and glanced down seeing the ruby colored liquid. Her heart slammed against her rib cage and she slowly peered around the door. Her eyes teared up when she met her fathers glassy lifeless stare. She covered her mouth to keep from screaming and quickly scanned the room finding the rest of his body. She jerked her attention to the blood puddle rapidly growing in the kitchen. Her feet moved before she made the decision to see what the blood was coming from.

The sight of Toby laying face first with a knife piercing his back almost made her shriek with terror and grief but she continued looking. ​Where is Amrissa?! ​Samriah padded softly away from both gruesome sights and towards the stairs. She heard thumping like someone running on the stairs and she felt herself running the rest of the way to the stairs with every possible dreadful scenario playing in her head.

Just as Samriah reaches the stairs a body emerges at the top and begins running down them. She meets wide blue frantic eyes. "Amrissa!" The yell ripped out Samriah's mouth as she reached for her sister. Their hands were almost touching when Amrissa's body jerked, her yelp of pain echoed in the house. Her body crumbled into Samriah's arms and that's when she started screaming.

Samriah threw the blanket off her and jerked upright. Her emerald eyes were wide and scanned the room. ​Beige walls...messy blood. Home. ​Her shoulders sagged in relief. She rubbed her eyes and tried to recall last night but there was some fuzziness after Elijah leaving. That made her heart hurt a little. She sighed and stood when a loud thump hit the door making her jerk. She jogged into the living room and grabbed her handgun off the counter just as the door came crashing down. She pointed the gun and saw Rodrick standing in the doorway with a determined look on his face.

Samriah glared at him and took aim, making him hold his hands up as if in surrender. "Whoa, Sam. I heard you screaming and you weren't opening the door so—" He gestered at the broken door. She rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh as she set the gun down. "You kicked down my door, asshole." She walked over to him, pushed him off the door, and slowly heaved it up. She leaned it against the wall and shook her head before facing his guilty face.

"Why the hell are you here?" He absent mindedly rubbed the back of his head. "I told you I heard​ you scream and—"

"No that answers why my door is broken, if you can even call that an answer, but that's not why​ you're here. So what the fuck?" She threw her hands up. He stared at her intently, making her uncomfortable, then he stepped up to her. She forced herself to stand still even though she felt vomit at the back of her throat from him being this close. "Samriah I know there is more between us and I know that leech is trying to get with you." She shook her head and rolled her eyes then took a step back. When he tried to get closer she held up a hand and shook her head.

"There's nothing going on with Elijah." ​​Then why does his name make your heart ache after last night? ​She ignored her inner voice. "And I already told you I'm done with you and this." She gestured between them. His hazel stare reflected pain but it didn't affect her. If anything she became more annoyed. She didn't want a relationship with Rick, hell, she couldn't stand to be near him anymore much less have his tongue down her throat.

"I refuse to accept that. Come on Sam, don't you remember all those nights?" He stepped up to​ her again and she looked away feeling revolted. He grabbed her upper arms and gave her one rough shake causing her to look at him with anger in her green eyes. "Those nights—"

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