Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Samriah looked around as they walked through the village. It was exactly that. Somewhere in the middle of nowhere with many tiny houses in walking distance of each other. Luckily they still believed in modern technology like cars, electricity, and such. Their clothes, however, made them all look like hippies. Love and peace and all that nonsense. There were quite a few people moving about at this hour at night which was suspicious and unsettling.

"There is a myth that goes hand in hand with Alec's story," Elijah spoke softly to Samriah at his side. "The twin boys represented light and darkness or day and night. Alec is supposed to be night, therefore, the night calls to him. We are all created from him which means the night calls to us as well." Samriah nodded, understanding he was explaining why they were all comfortably moving around at night. She loved her night job. Always had.

"I doubt his brother would be considered 'light'." Elijah smiled. "It is only a myth." They walked around one of the tiny houses and onto a large patio decorated with strings of light along the top beams. There were beautiful flowers along the edge of the sides of the patio and a large rectangle table in the center. Samriah followed Elijah and Alec as they chose seats near the 2 witches who were seated and waiting for them.

Elijah squeezed Samriah's knee under the table to show his silent support. He had mentioned when they first traced here that he would be silent during the meeting because he was not exactly welcomed in the witch community as an immortal. He was only allowed in with Alec at his side.

"I am Diana and this is Isa. We have been leading since Sara's murder." They offered smiles to Samriah and she gave them a small nod and smile. This was a mistake. I don't want to lead these people. "Our coven is happy to welcome you. We know you do not have much knowledge of the supernatural so we wanted to give you some insight." Diana said. She was older. Probably in her late 60's or early 70's. Her graying hair was short at her ears but her piercing green eyes held knowledge. Isa was younger. Most likely in her early 30's. She had her pitch black hair braided down her back and the same green eyes Diana had.

Isa cleared her throat before taking the reins. "We are the representing coven of our species. If there are any problems that arise within any other coven it is brought to us and we take care of it. Our leader has a direct line to Alec who helps us because he is our Creator. We only wield light magic and at the age of 16 it is customary to choose the dominant element to use. We recruit women from other covens to fill our ranks so we can have good numbers with each element. All covens do this in case of an attack.

"We need someone powerful for our leader. A witch with the gift of premonition. That is why we are seeking you." Samriah shifted in her seat, uncomfortable from Isa's bold statement. "We are aware of your uncertainty and hope we can persuade you to join us." Isa gave another warm smile. It was easy to get lost in the peace and serenity that this place and these people enveloped but it just wasn't what Samriah wanted. This place meant accepting her heritage more than she wanted to. It was bad enough she had accepted it even a little bit.

"Do men or boys live here?" She didn't know why that answer came out of her mouth. She hadn't been thinking of that but an image of her brother and father came to mind as soon as the words left her lips. The women looked at each other then shook their heads. "Some men born to witches become warlocks and live on their own. Our coven gives infant boys up to be adopted and loved in mortal society."

Did my mom leave to be with my dad and have us? Is that why she said we all took her freedom away? Damn. She didn't know when this turned into a moment to try and clarify her mother's atrocious actions or get background knowledge to come up with a story about her parent's past. She didn't want to admit it but deep down she wanted to know about her background and where her parents came from. It was the first time this feeling had ever encompassed her and she 100% blamed Elijah and their connection. Forgive recollections. Let go of the pain. Thomas called himself a messenger and that was part of his message.

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