Just some friends

686 33 7


thordinson added notstarlord, xgamora, draxthedestroyer iamgroot and raccoonrocket to the chat

thordinson: everyone, these are my friends, the morons!

hawk_guy: never took Thor for one to insult people

thordinson: what do you mean?? I would never insult the morons!

raccoonrocket: just play along with it, I'm finding it amusing

notstarlord: im not a moron!

iamgroot: I am groot.

steve.rogers: nice to meet you, Groot. I am Steve Rogers.

raccoonrocket: no no, he said "seeing as you spelt 'I'm' wrong, you are a moron.

raccoonrocket: that was to you, by the way, Quill

notstarlord: that was intentional! Plus I'm still getting used to these new Earth devices!

hawk_guy: does that mean I can add people?

hawk_guy: I'll take that as a yes.

hawk_guy added scottieboi to the chat

scottieboi: oh hi guys! 

thefalcon: sup tic-tac?

scottieboi: not much!

starkster: sorry, who's this?

hawk_guy: just a house-arrest buddy.

starkster: that gives me so many clues

hawk_guy: ant-man

starkster: ant-man? have we run out of cool names or something?

scottieboi: that's pretty cold, dude.

bb.barnes added shuriiii to the chat

hawk_guy: it's getting crowded in here.

shuriiii: then you'd be glad to know that I'm adding a friend of mine!

shuriiii added yeeterparker to the chat

yeeterparker: yeet

steve.rogers: who is Yeeter? What is "yeet"?

hawk_guy: millennial talk.

starkster: Parker what is this nonsense??

yeeterparker: sorry Mister Stark!

shuriiii: yeet on.

yeeterparker changed their username to spiderman

shuriiii: what. did. you. do? 

spiderman: I changed my username for Tony Stark

hawk_guy: you should get that printed on a t-shirt

shuriiii: mood.


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