Chapter One

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3rd POV

The day was supposed to be like any other day, but the light haired brunette woke up with a quiet groan as she came to the realization that today was meant to be the day that she, and the pink haired beauty who slept beside her gave a tour to the new kid. The kid of F.P Jones, who any serpent would say they idolized, because of how he's led them for many years. Tiger Lily shook her friend, surprised that the pink haired beauty wasn't awake just yet, as she's always the first up. 'Serpent business, i suppose...'

Tiger Lily thought, before sighing to herself as she got out from the bed. The brunette headed out from the bedroom to the kitchen to make the two of them some breakfast, as Southside High wasn't known for it's delicious food. Tiger Lily mentally pondered over being a serpent, the girl had yet to join her friend officially as a Southside Serpent, but that didn't mean she wasn't considered part of the family.

F.P Jones had on many occasions let the quiet brunette know she has a jacket just waiting to be worn by her. The girl however, wanted to wait just a little bit, due to past issues with her old family. Majority of the Serpents treated Tiger Lily as if she was one of them already, however a few didn't but she'd always have F.P, Fangs, or Toni, who Tiger Lily loved calling Nettie to always back her up.

Tiger Lily was drawn out of her thoughts as she finished wrapping up the six breakfast burritos, when Nettie came into the kitchen shaking her head.

"What have you done with my best friend?" She starts her playful accusation before continuing. "The Nettie I know would be up at the fucking crack of dawn waking her sweet best friend up so she'd have someone to talk to."

"Shut up and feed me Lils, I'm hungry... plus last minute serpent business regarding the son of the king." Toni replied to her best friend giving her a playful eye roll.

The brunette only laughed and handed her friend a burrito before taking a bite into her own. Tiger Lily set down the other four burritos into twos and wrapped them. They'd be for Fangs, and Sweet Pea, though if Tiger Lily wasn't a kind girl they'd just be for Fangs, as she and the tallest boy she's ever met weren't exactly besties.

"So, my car or your bike today Nettie?" Tiger Lily asked as she hopped onto the counter to eat her burrito again.

"My bike, your car scares me Lils" The pinked haired girl said after she finished off her breakfast.

"Okay because a bike is safer than my baby... Yeah right." Tiger Lily joked making herself laugh.

Toni just rolled her eyes and tossed her napkin at the girl who was like her sister, before making her way back to their room to change. Tiger finished up her meal before cleaning up the kitchen quickly. It wasn't much but it just meant they'd have less to do later after everything. Ten minutes later, Toni came out of the room freshly dressed and ready for their early leave.

"I'll get the boys' food and be outside waiting for you Lils!" Toni shouted out to her best friend as she makes her way to the back to change.

Tiger Lily just flipped off her best friend in response and continues her way to their room. The brunette always dresses like she wants, no matter what it looks like as the girl has no one to impress. She roughly untangles her slightly messy hair, as she multitasks while putting on her boots. She was rushing out the door before almost tripping as she locked up the trailer. She glared at her friend.

"That never happened okay?" She said trying to sound scary as she hopped onto the back of Toni's motorcycle and held onto her.

"Whatever you say klutzy snake." Toni joked before taking off to the dump of a school that is Southside High.

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