Chapter Three

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3rd POV

It didn't take long for the Serpents to gather at the Whyte Wyrm, as Tiger Lily stood off stage with Toni. The brunette took another shot that Toni offered her, to give her confidence.

"T, you don't have to." Toni said once more.

"I know, but hey when FP gets out, I'll be a full Serpent, like he always hoped." Tiger Lily smiled at her friend, hiding her nervousness.

Tiger Lily played with the belt of her green trench coat, she took a deep breath as the sound of 'Dangerous Woman' by Ariana Grande played.

The brunette slowly made her way up the stairs onto the stage, she carefully rolled her neck as swayed. Tiger Lily was always good at dancing, as she and Toni have danced since they were younger, but in front of people without Toni was hard for the girl.

The girl began to shed her coat, revealing her lingerie set underneath. The brunette could feel the stares as she kept her focus on the dance.  And what felt like the longest three minutes to the girl, she was finally done. Normally FP would be the one to come on stage and grant her the jacket, but as the male was in jail, Toni took the honors.

"In unity there is strength!" She shouted to the Serpents, who screamed it back to her and clapped as Tiger Lily finally grew into her skin, as she put on the jacket.

Tiger Lily smiled as she left the stage and put on her trench coat to cover herself up. Toni ran up to the girl and hugged her tightly.

"I'm proud of you T, you're proving that you're different." Toni spoke as she rubbed the girl's back.

The two girls were joined by the two young Serpents they were close to, Fangs and Sweet Pea. Fangs threw his arm around Tiger Lily as she clutched her Serpent jacket.

"Who knew Kitty cat had a hot body, maybe I should make you my girl." The boy joked.

"You are so not my type Vampire, I'd rather be with Nettie than you." The girl said pushing his arm off.

"Ouch T, I'm right here." The pink haired girl shot back sarcastically, 

The four stayed hanging out for a while longer, however the brunette took notice that the tall Serpent boy was fairly quiet. She pushed her thoughts away as she and Toni headed home, for the night to get some rest for school.

The next day, Tiger Lily decided to dress the part for school, she had just earned her jacket, might as well go all out. The teen was sporting a black lace romper, and her serpent jacket. She sat at the table with the Serpents as they discussed building a pipe bomb, Tiger Lily however laid her head against Toni. She saw Sweet Pea look up.

"Nice article your girlfriend's mom wrote." He said, Tiger Lily realizing that he was speaking to Jughead.

"Yeah, I saw that. Dilton Doiley said he was stabbed when a bunch of you jumped him." Jughead accused causing Tiger Lily to sit up straight and scoff.

"Hey idiot stabbed himself." Fangs spat at Jughead.

"With his own knife." Tiger Lily finished for the boy who sat across from her.

"And we didn't jump him, there was a fight, Bulldogs versus Serpents, and you see this?" Sweet spoke referring to his bruised eye. "Your boy Andrews gave it to me. Just before his girlfriend shot a gun into the air. Don't believe me? Ask Tiger Lily, she was there." SP spoke his tone getting a bit rougher as he was getting anger, as the boy always did when Northside was involved.

"What happened?" Jughead asked with a shock tone.

"And of course, Northsiders get off scot free, and the rest of us are hauled in by the police." SP said as he took a seat.

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