The Time has come. I've just landed in New York City. The land where I will meet the girl of my dreams in person. I'm so excited.
Ricardo already got here hours before me because he's closer to New York than me so he had a shorter plane ride.
I called Brea.
Brea: hello?
Lance: Guess who just landed in NYC!
Brea: OH MY GOSH! You're here!
Lance: Yep. Where are you?
Brea: I'm at the airport with my parents and my brother. They have a flight today. Ooh I can't wait to see you.
Lance: Me either! Meet me at gate 4, that's where I'll be.
Brea: Mom! Dad! My boyfriend is here!
Dad: Boyfriend?
Brea: Yeah, he's the guy I met and we've been dating. He flew in from L.A to see me.
Mom: L.A? Honey, do you know anything about this guy?
Brea: Yes, like everything. We video chat every day.
Dad: Video Chat? No. Let me see his picture.
I pulled up one of my many pictures of Lance onto my phone for my dad to see.
Mom: Damn! He's hot. Too good to be true, Brea. It's a scam.
Brea: no it's not. He even video chatted me that he's here.
Dad: Is this guy staying at a hotel. I don't want him in my house.
Brea: Yes, he is. I won't let any boy into the house.
Dad: man, I know I should have installed those cameras in the house.
Brea's Brother: Hey, That guy over there is staring at you.
Brea: where?
I turned around and gasped. Tears started to well in my eyes and a wide smile spread across my face.
I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. We stood there hugging for a while. He held me close and I hugged him tight.
Brea: you're so tall!
Lance: You're so gorgeous. I didn't know you were this cute in person!
Quit making me blush!
Brea: Oh my goodness, we have to spend as much time together as possible!
Soon, my parents left for their flight and Lance and I made our way back to my house.
Lance: so I'm going to book a hotel room to stay in and we can meet up tomorrow.
Brea: No, you're not doing that. You're stay in my house.
Lance: But your dad said-
Brea: My dad said what? Pshh, one thing you should know about me is, I don't listen.
He chuckled and set his bags down.
Lance: So, what should we do?
Brea: Go to my room. That's basically my home.
We went upstairs into my room and sat down on the bed.
Brea: Play I'm going to face time Jade to show her how jealous she should be so... act natural.
Lance: Okay... but why should she be jealous.
Brea: because I'm in New York with my hot internet boyfriend and she's not.
I smirked and called Jade. I didn't expect her to pick up, but she did.
Brea: Hey, Jade! Long time no talk!
Jade: Hello, Tomika.
She sounds bored as annoyed. Oh well
Brea: So anyway, I just want to tell you that I'm in New York now living my best life with who?... my boyfriend.
Jade: Good for you.
Brea: Yeah, So have fun with Rico! I won't be going back to Texas anytime soon so this is a farewell goodbye.
Jade: By the way, Rico is in NYC just like you. Bye Breanna. You literally just interrupted my life.
Brea: Rude.
I hung up and looked at Lance.
Lance: No offense, but you sounded like a bitch.
Brea: That's because I am.
I chuckled and laid back.
Lance: Brea, we have two weeks together. We should do something.
Brea: Anything you have in mind?
Lance: Well, we're in the big apple and there's so much to do so
Brea: Take a walk around the city? It'll be fun.
Lance: I've always wanted to do that.
Brea; then what are we waiting for! Come on!
We ran out the house and into my car. This is gonna be one heck of a night.

In Person: A Breance Story
FanfictionIn which a boy and a girl meet in an online groupchat and soon start dating. Waiting for the day,they will meet in person.... A Breance Story This story is inspired by a YouTube video I saw of a girl who meets a guy in Minecraft and they start datin...