"Jungkook, You Really Need To Stop Drinking.." Jimin was Worried about He's Best Friend's Condition. Jungkook Kept On Drinking. Jimin Knew He Was Hurt Because Of Jungkook's Stupid GirlFriend. Jungkook's GirlFriend Decided To Break Up with Jungkook. But Jungkook was Madly In Love With That Girl. Jungkook was So Hurt and Decided to Drink at A Bar with He's Best Friend Jimin.
"NoOoOOOoooooo, I'mm NoOt StOpInG YoU MiDgET!.. ShE FuckIng BrOke MY HeaRT!" Jungkook was Ready To Cry. But Jimin Patted His Back and Hugged Him. Jimin Felt Bad Seeing He's Best Friend Hurt.
"You Know what Calms Me Down? Petting Yoongi~" Jimin Has an Hybrid Black Cat Named Yoongi. Yoongi is an Lazy Cat. Yoongi Isn't Social. All He Do is Eat and Sleep. Classic Right?
"I DON'TTT CARE ABOUT YOuRR OpiNiON! I JUST WANT SoMeone TO LOVE MEeE~" Jungkook Replied at Jimin's 'Opinion'
"Hmph.. Well I Suggest You To Buy A Hybrid Pet! Hybrids Easily Love Their Owner that Fast." Jungkook Looks At Jimin. And Jimin Let Go Of the Hug. And He Smiled at The Younger One.
"O-okay.." Jimin Patted Jungkook's Head.
"Now Let's Go Home. I think Yoongi is Hungry Again..." Jimin Mumbled At The Last Part. And Jungkook Slightly Laughed. They Both Went to Jimin's Car. And Talk But Jimin Mostly Talked. They Went Home. Yes. Jimin and Jungkook Are Roommates. Jimin Opened the Door And Yoongi Was In front Of Them. Both Hands Are on the Hips. With an Angry Face. Yoongi Went Closer to Jimin and Yoongi Pulled Jimin's Ear.
"OW! STOP IT! YOONGI!" They Went Inside the House and They Totally forgot Jungkook. Jungkook Fell on his Knees. But He Stand Up. Jungkook Immediately Went to His Room. He Doesn't want To Hear Yoongi and Jimin Bickering. It Only Hurts Him. He and His Girlfriend Always Are Bickering. As A Joke. Sigh. 'Tommorow I Will Get an Hybrid.' Jungkook Thought.
He Decided To Sleep.-----------------------------------------------
"Jungkook wake up!" Jimin Yelled at Jungkook's Door.
"yeah yeah.." Jungkook Groaned. Then He Knew it's the day Where he Can Find a Hybrid Pet. He Looked at the Time. And It Said 9:21 pm. He Got Up and Showered. He Wore an Casual Outfit. He Went to the Dining Room. And Sat Down. Yoongi and Jimin Were Talking. While Jungkook was Eating Breakfast. When he was Done he went to The Living Room and Sat Down. Jimin and Yoongi Looked at Each Other. Both of them Went to Jungkook and Jimin Spoke.
"You Okay?"
"Yup. I'm just Excited to Have an Hybrid Pet!" Jungkook Smiled and Jimin Gasp.
"YOONGI! You'RE GANNA HAVE A BEST FRIEND IN THIS HOUSE!" Jimin Hugged Yoongi and Keeps Saying ' You're Going to have a new Best Friend' and Other Things.
~Time Skips~
"Bye Hyung! I'll Go now!" Jungkook Yelled and Jimin Waved Excitingly While Yoongi He was Kinda Annoyed. He wanted to Be Alone. Not to have an Stupid Best Friend. But he Wanted to Give it a Shot. Jungkook Walked to see Any Shop With An Hybrids. He Went to All The Pet Shop But They All Said No. But He went To the Last Pet Shop he saw.
"Hello There!" Said By an Old Woman.
"Is There Any Hybrids In This Shop?" Jungkook Questioned the Old Woman.
"Yes There Is! But Sadly. There's Only One Hybrid Here." The Old Woman Answered Jungkook's Question. Jungkook Felt Relieve.
"What Kind of Hybrid?" Jungkook said Curiously.
"A Dog One. Would you Like to Buy Him?" The Old Woman Tilted Her Head as She Questioned Him.
"Yes Please." The Old Woman Nodded. And Went inside to the Door. She Then Went Outside With an Average Guy. She Then Moved The Hybrid Closer to Jungkook. Jungkook took an Glance to the Shy Boy. He Went Back to Look at The Old Woman. And Asked;
"What is He's Name?"
"He's Name is Kim Taehyung. He is 18 Years Old." Jungkook Was Shock Because The Hybrid was Younger than Him. But He Didn't Care. He Just Nodded and Gave The Money To The Old Woman. And went Outside The Shop. Jungkook Grab Taehyung's Hand and Smiled.
"My Name is Jeon Jungkook! I am 20 Years Old! I guess I'm your Hyung.. But It's Okay!"
Taehyung Nodded. And Smiled too.(In this story Jungkook is older than Taehyung.)
"Oh And Taehyung?" Taehyung Looked at Jungkook Scared.
"I Have an Roommate! He has an Hybrid too!" Taehyung Only Smiled and Nodded. But Jungkook was Confused why He's not Talking.
"Why are you not Talking?" Jungkook asked. Maybe He's just Scared on Meeting new People? But Taehyung Spoke.
"I-i'm Sorry.. I-i'm Just S-shy.." Jungkook Nodded and Patted his Head.
"It's Fine! Now Let's Go Home!" Taehyung Smiled and Mumbled an Okay.
~Time skips~
"Hyung I'm Home! And I Found Myself an Dog Hybrid!" Jungkook Smiled as Taehyung Hugged Him at The Back Feeling Scared. Jimin Went Down With Yoongi and Jimin Just Gasp. And Ran into Taehyung and Hugged Him Tightly. While For Yoongi. Jealous. He Scoffed. Jimin Yelled at Yoongi.
"Yoongi! Come Here and Meet your New Best Friend 'Remember Yoongi.. Were Just Giving it a Shot..' Yoongi Thought. He Went to Taehyung and Hugged him. Yoongi Felt Soft. He Smiled at Himself. Taehyung Smiled too. Jimin Asked Jungkook.
"What's His Name?" Jimin Asked. Loving The Sight he is Seeing.
"Kim Taehyung. He is 18 Years old." Jungkook Smiled. Jimin Just Smirked and Nodded.
~Time skips~ (Too many Time Skips)
"Hyunggggg!" Taehyung Whined. Yoongi just Stick out His Tongue and Say;
"No Tae. Remember what Jungkook Said!" Yoongi Smirked and ate The Last Jelly Bean. Then Tae Cried. Yoongi was Scared. Will he Get Scold? Will he Get out of this House? Will Jimin Never Loved Him? So Many Questions in Yoongi's Mind. He said Sorry to Taehyung. And Gave Him He's Secret Jelly Bean! Taehyung Gladly Take it and Ate it. He then Wiped His Tears.
Jungkook was Sleeping at His Room and Jimin Playing some Games in His Room. Then Taehyung Hugged Yoongi At the Back and Smiled."Thank you, New Best Friend!"
(Sigh 10031 Words.. I'm going to sleep now. See ya.)

My Precious Hybrid || KookTae FF
Fanfiction"Hello There!" "Is There any Hybrids In This Shop?" "Yes! There is! But Sadly There's Only One Hybrid Here." "What Kind of Hybrid? " "A Dog One. Would You Like to Buy Him?" "Yes Please." LATE UPDATES! SO BARE WITH ME BEING LAZY! QWQ