"Hello There!"
"Is There any Hybrids In This Shop?"
"Yes! There is! But Sadly There's Only One Hybrid Here."
"What Kind of Hybrid? "
"A Dog One. Would You Like to Buy Him?"
"Yes Please."
AHHHHH! Thank you For 100 Votes Guys! :'D I really appreciate it!..Plus... I was thinking that i should Discontinued? Or just Continue what I'm doing right now? I'm not really Satisfied about it.. But many of you Loved my work.. But still Thank you for Loving it.. Btw I'll make this chapter a little longer! ❤❤❤
"Wait how did you know My Name?" Jungkook asked, Yugyeom just Giggled a Little. And swayed his Hand, Just like waving a little.
"Sorry Jungkook ah... I was Friends With ??? Back then!" *invisible little flowers floating around Yugyeom's head uwu* Yugyeom smiled Brightly. Showing his cute Eye smile. Jungkook nodded. Giving him a SUSPICIOUS Look. But then Shrugged it away.
"Any Whooo.. I'll show you around then!" Showing him his Cute Bunny Smile. Grab Yugyeom's Hand and Jungkook's quest started. But little did he knew Yugyeom wasn't a sweetheart..
"You know Jungkook... You're quite fun to talk!" Yugyeom said, While drinking his Latte. After their Little Quest Yugyeom Decided to take a break At Jinnie's Pink Cafewhich is a new Cafe And decided to know each other. Jungkook Giggled a little.
"Thank You! You're fun to talk too!" Yugyeom thanked him too, Then a some guy went up to Them.
"Hi There!" Yugyeom and Jungkook Looked at the person who Greeted them.
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"OH! Hi!" Yugyeom Waved and Jungkook looked at the Mysterious yet Handsome guy.
'He sure is Handsome..' Jungkook sure loved this guy's look.
"So uhm... Since the both of you are the First Costumer on my Sho-" The Guy was cut off by a Purple Headed guy with a Red headed Guy yelling.
"You mean 'OUR' Shop Hyung!" The Purple and The Red headed sighed loudly but yet loudly.
"We talked about this Jin! It's OUR Shop!" The Purple headed one put both of his Arm on his waist. Jin Pouted.
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"Yeah Jin Hyung! It's OUR Shop!" The red headed Huffed cutely, But when he saw Jin Pouting He felt bad fast.
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(He looks so precious..) "AH! I-i'm sorry! We're n-not going to shout at you again!" Jin looked at the red one and gave him a confused look.
"Why are you Apologizing??" The red headed one now gave Jin a Confused look.
"But.. You were Pouting!.. And i thought you were hurt about yelling to you..!"
"I'm not Hurt Hoseok, I just Know i look Good while Pouting." Jungkook and Yugyeom felt awkward. While the Three Bickering, Yugyeom swayed his Legs back and fourth while Jungkook is Whistling silently. The purple one Noticed them Feeling awkward.
"OKAY! Enough! Let's just Introduce ourselves..." Jin and The Red headed one Nodded.
"Ah Yes, I almost forgot that You guys Were still here, Anyway! I'm Kim Seokjin as you Heard from Both of this Morons mouth. Jin is my Nickname. 24 years old. I'm dating This Purple headed one. And I'm worldwide handsome Bitc-" The Purple Headed one Covered Jin's Mouth and shot a glare to him.
"Jin! Be respectful to them! No cursing! *sigh* I'm Kim Namjoon and yes We're Dating. I am 24 Years old too." The red One Giggled, Then Waved to them.
"HI! I'm Jung Hoseok! Call me Hobi for Short! I'm 23 Years old! And You Know what? Both of you look so Charming! Maybe a girl Or a Boy would fall for you Guys-" Namjoon and Jin Coughed Loudly, Showing them to tell Hoseok to stop Blabbering. And Hoseok JUST Giggled. Jungkook and Yugyeom Nodded.
"So, It's time for Both of you to Introduce Yourselves?" Jin Spoke once again.
"Oh Yeah. My name is Jeon Jungkook, i am 20 Years old. And I'm single... That's all." The Trio Nodded and Looked at Yugyeom.
"Uh!.. I'm Kim Yugyeom.. And I'm 20 Years old.." Yugyeom felt awkward from the Trio's Stares. But then the trio Nodded again.
"Anyway, What i was saying Earlier, Since the both of you are OUR first Customer in this Shop. I've decided to be Friends with you guys.. IF.. The both of you are good Boys, i can be friends with you two." Jin Glared to the Two, And The Both Nodded Violently.
When Jin Saw The Two Nod, He Smiled Widely. And pat Their heads gently.
"Great!~" Jungkook Looked at the Time and It was 5:30.
"Ah Jin Hyung, We have to go now." Jin Nodded, Jungkook Gave Him the Cash and Grab Yugyeom's Hand and walked.
While they were Walking, Yugyeom Intertwined His Fingers to Jungkook. He didn't expect Jungkook to Accept that Holding Hand Style. Yugyeom Blushed and Jungkook Noticed it. He couldn't help but Smile. And they continue to Walked again. But little did they know, Somebody was Watching them Far away...
- (2 days later, Yoonmin sadly didn't do it. Don't blame me qwq)
"Jimin Hyung.." Jimin Looked at the Sad Hybrid.
"What is it Taehyung?" Taehyung Sighed Loudly. Jimin Know something is wrong.
"What's Wrong Taehyung?.." Jimin asked to Taehyung. Listening carefully to Him. All ears to him.
"Why do Jungkook Hyung keeps on Hanging out with that Yugyeom Guy?.." Taehyung Huffed and Crossed his Arms. Jimin was shock. Jimin held Taehyung's Hand. Where Taehyung got Confused.
"Taehyung.. Don't tell me.. You're Jealous?.."
Anyway, Should i Discontinue or Continue?
Yes, Discontinue Pls.
No, Continue Pls.
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