Chapter 10: Yugyeom.

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(o u o) ❤ (u w u)
Love you~

"Did you Call Him?" ??? Asked. The Female Minion Nodded.


"So.. What's the Plan About?.." The Male Minion Awkwardly Asked.

"The Plan is... Yugyeom, He will Be Asking Jungkook to show him Around town.. Just like A Ordinary Boy." The Male Minion Nodded.

"Why do we need Yugyeom in this plan anyway?.." The Female Minion Huffed and Crossed her Arms.

"Yugyeom will make Jungkook to Fall in Love to Him, But Of course Yugyeom know Jungkook is Only Mine." The Male just Nodded.

"W-what?! What if Yugyeom and Jungkook fall in love to each other, Oh no.. Baby wouldn't love me back-" The Female Panic

"Don't overreact boo." The female calmed down then nodded.

This part will have a little Smut.. I'm bad at making Smut.. So don't Judge my smut okay?.. But some of it is random xD


Jimin Deepened the Kiss, Yoongi Moaned a Little to the Kiss. Yoongi can feel Jimin Smirked to the Kiss, Jimin Break the Kiss for Yoongi To Breath. But Yoongi was Okay.

"Why did you Stop?.." Yoongi Asked. Jimin Just Chuckled. How cute.

"Did i say we sill Stop? Baby were just Getting Started.." Jimin Took off His Shirt. And Kisses Yoongi's Pale Neck. Giving him a Hickey. Yoongi Moaned loudly. Jimin Put his Hand to Yoongi's Mouth.

"Baby Quiet down, You don't want Taehyung and Jungkook to Disturbed us.. Right?" Yoongi Nodded Violently.

"That's what I Thought.." Jimin Kissed Yoongi Passionately and Roamed his Hand underneath Yoongi's Shirt, How can a Sweet & Innocent Mochi Turn into such a Dark & Naughty Mochi? But that Doesn't matter, All that matters that They have-



"So.. Mind telling me What you guys were doing?" Jungkook asked, Jungkook was giving Jimin a Mother Glare.

"Nothing." That was all Jimin can say. Jungkook scoffed.

"Nothing? I saw you raping Yoongi with your Baby Hands, Honey." Jungkook Huffed and Crossed his Arm. (This is getting random..)

"He wasn't raping me.. We were just.. Making Love?..But we didn't continue since you came in to disturb us." Yoongi defended Jimin.

"Yeah, So Don't give me that Motherly glare, Bitch. I'm the eldest here and-"

"UM?? Excuse ME Bitch, I'm the Eldest here you shithead." Wow, Who knew Yoongi can curse.

"SEE? Baby here-" Jungkook got cut off by Yoongi saying.

"Don't Baby me, You're not my mother." Jungkook Gasped dramatically.

"YoU DoN't ReMemBeR YoU'rE MoThEr ThIs BeAuTiFuL? ArE YoU BliND bY mY BeAuTy PeRhApS?" (You don't remember you're mother this Beautiful? Are you Blind by my Beauty Perhaps?) Jungkook Scoffed, Yoongi 'Tsk'.

"Tsk, I do remember Her being Beautiful But I don't Remember Her Being this Ugly." Jungkook Gasped. And maybe you're wondering where is Taehyung. He's Sleeping.

"DAAAAAMN." Jimin Yelled. Jungkook 'Hmph'.

"Hmph, I'm going Outside.. Any Request? I might go Grocery.." The two shook their heads. Jungkook nodded.

"OH! And don't continue what you guys were doing earlier.. DiSgUstInG!" (Disgusting!) With that Jungkook went outside. 'sigh, i think the two would NOT Keep their promise.'
(I love this.. Bet you loved this too? xD)


Jungkook was walking around when somebody came to him.

"Hey There, Can you Show me Around?.. I'm Kinda New here.." Jungkook nod.

"Yeah sure, What's your name anyway?" Jungkook Asked.

"Just call me Yugyeom-







I loved the randomness uwu
Anyway this story got 2k Reads, I don't know why you guys love this story..
I mean.. This story is Shitty..
But Thank you anyways!

My heart.. Boom boom ❤

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