Chapter 2: About his Heat.

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"Thank You, New Best Friend!"

Yoongi Felt Soft once Again. He Felt he Really Need to Protect Taehyung. But he Needs to Man Up for Taehyung to say 'Wow Hyung! Your so Cool!', 'Hyung i want to be like you!' And Other things. So He Faced Taehyung and Pushed him Gently.

"Don't Hug me." Yoongi Said while Pushing Him. Taehyung then Tilted His Head.

"Hyung, Why are you're you Being So Cold?" Taehyung asked Confused.

"That's.. How..Uh.. I Am! Yeah! I'm Cold to People." Yoongi Turned Around To face a wall and Smirked. Thinking about his 'Cool' Fantasy. While for Taehyung He Looked at Yoongi with an Poker Face Then Shrugged.

"Okay. I'm Going to Jungkook Hyung's Room. Bye Yoongi Hyung." With That. Taehyung left Yoongi With he's Fantasy. But Yoongi Stoped Thinking about He's Fantasy and Went to Jimin's Room.

Taehyung Opened The Door and Peeked. He saw Jungkook sleeping in a King size Bed. Taehyung was Also Tired. So He Decided to Sleep Beside Jungkook. He Went Beside Jungkook and Stared at He's Features. Then he Drifted to Sleep.


"So... Jungkook.." Jimin Awkwardly Started an Conversation. Jungkook Looked At Him.

"What Hyung?" Jungkook Tilted his Head.

"Uh.. So.. Since You have an Hybrid now.."

"Where is this Going, Jimin Hyung?" Jungkook Questioned Jimin.

"Well..You See Jungkook. Hybrids Gets Their Heat.. Have Taehyung Have His Heat?" Jungkook Thought about it. Then it shot him. He didn't ask The Old woman...

"W-well.. I didn't ask The Old Woman About His Heat.. B-but.. Yoongi had His Heat when he was 15 Years old Right? Maybe.. He had His Heat When he was 15.." Jungkook Replied.

"I think you Don't know. So I Suggest you To Ask him!" Jimin Swayed His Right Hand to Jungkook and Jungkook Backed up.

"Okay, I'll just ask him." Jimin Nodded while Closing his Eyes feeling Tired. Jungkook Stand up and went to his Room. He saw Taehyung Sleeping Peacefully. Jungkook Smiled at Taehyung. Jungkook went Closer to Taehyung and Kissed His Forehead. Taehyung Shifted. Jungkook Shakes Taehyung's Body Gently. Taehyung Looked at Jungkook with His One eye Shut and One Eye Open. Jungkook Chuckled. Jungkook Ruffled Taehyung's Hair. Taehyung Groaned.

"W-what?.." Taehyung Asked Tired. Jungkook Smiled at How Cute Taehyung is.

"Well.. Jimin Said That Every Hybrid Have Their own Heat. Well i came Here just To Ask you.. H-Have you Done your Heat Yet?..." Jungkook Asked Shyly.

"W-well.. U-uhm.. I-i Haven't Done my H-Heat.." Taehyung Covered His Face With Both of His Hand. Jungkook widened his eyes. Jungkook Held Taehyung's Hand and put both of The Hand Into Taehyung's Lap.

"U-uh.. Why Did Y-you Ask?.." Taehyung said Firmly yet Shy.

"N-nothing.. Now Go Back to Sleep.." Jungkook Patted Taehyung's Hair. Jungkook Closed the Door and went to Jimin. Jimin Smiled and Mouthed An "Soo?"

"He Hasn't Been in his Heat.." Jimin was Shock.

"Ah! Hyung! What Does Heat Mean?" Jimin was Double Shock. He then Stood up and Whispered Something in Jungkook's Ear;

"Don't Even Ask. Just Search it in Google.." Jungkook Nodded. Then Pulled out his Phone and Search what Heat Means On a Hybrid. He was Shock. His Jaw Was Dropped. He looked at The Phone Then Jimin, Phone. Jimin. Phone. Jimin. Phone and Jimin. He Put his Phone Back on His Pocket. And Jimin Laughed .

"Classic! That's Sooo Classic.." Jimin Clapped his Hand while Laughing. They Didn't Notice that Yoongi was Watching them. Yawning. Yoongi Ran to Jimin and Hugged him Tightly.

"Oh Hey Yoongi, Didn't notice you.." Jimin Patted Yoongi's Hair.

"You Woke me Up Because of your Laugh..." Yoongi Kept Snuggling into Jimin's Shirt. Jimin Chuckled.

"I'm Going to Tuck in Yoongi.."

"He isn't an Baby, Hyung.. But why do They Still Need to Sleep??" Jungkook Asked Nicely.

"Well.. Since you Don't know About Hybrids That Much... Well Hybrids Needs to Take a Nap! If They Didn't Have Enough Sleep. They'll go Beast Mode." They Heard Yoongi Throwing a Slight Tantrum.

(Is this even True? I don't even Know Hybrids A Bit.)

"See what I mean?" Jimin Took Yoongi's Hand.

"C'mon Yoongs. Let's Go to Sleep. I'm Feeling Sleepy." Jimin Rubbed His Hand into his Eye.

"Can we Cuddle? .." Yoongi Looked down. And Jimin Nodded. They went to Jimin's Room. Jungkook Really Loved Seeing Some Cute Couple. Although Jimin and Yoongi are Nothing but They Look Like Some Cute Couple. Jungkook Sighed. He went to His Room and Flop Besides Taehyung. Jungkook Put His Arm into Taehyung's Waist. And Put his Face into Taehyung's Neck. Loving the smell. He Smelled Like Grass But It's Nice.. He Drifted to Sleep.

(785 words? I want to do Some 2000 Words. But it's okay. Anyways Bye ❤)

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