Part 3 - Form of Weekly Group Reading Round 1

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Welcome to the Form of Weekly Group Reading Round 1!

Welcome to the Form of Weekly Group Reading Round 1!

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This is Regular Form. If you are here then you have read the rules, have joined the club and are ready to participate in the Weekly Group Reading Round 1! Thank you so much for choosing this book club and we hope we can meet fun here!

Below, You can also read again the rules and guidelines for joining Weekly Group Reading and the assignments (for detailed explanation was in part 1 of this book).


1. For joining Weekly Group Reading Round 1, Write below in the comment section below this page:

      1. Wattpad Username:

      2. The Book title:

      3. Its Genre:

      4. Is your book mature

      5. Is your book LGBT: 

      6. Are you committed/available for this round:

      7. Do you want read mature/LGBT (Some might not want to read mature or LGBT): 

You must enter one story each round. You can submit others at another round. The stories you submitted can be in any genre as long as it has love essence even just a little. And all works must be written in English (Send private message if you want in any of your language. If there're truly large demands, it will be considered to build sub club for other languages).

Please remember, Once you submit your data in each Weekly Group Reading round you joining for, you have committed to do the assignment completely. 

This book club's intention is to get all member gain as much reads and comments as possible, but this can not happen without dedication. Every member must be dedicated to the book club and committed on reading other's works. Please don't cheat to pretend joining the programme but then ignore to read other's book you should have read.

Please considered, the members who didn't participate in Weekly Group Reading still have responsibility to read TBLS and BOTW winners each round.

2. After filling in the form, DesireInLoveBookClub will announce the Weekly Group Reading soon! (The club is still new, This Weekly Round 1 will be began at the time we have more members, at least 20 members, so stay calm waiting).

3. Along with the annoucement page, there is 1 thread in DesireInLove Web Forum you must take time to share your thought (at: ~ just a simple thread about love, sex, relationship and marriage).

All participants (and also other members) are expected to be involved in our forum as it is part of assignment and will be seen as your support to build our love community.

4. In the Weekly Group Reading announcement page, joined members will be split into group of 3-4. Each person in the group must read each other book. Just read 2 pages/parts or more if you want.

5. At the end of each book you have read, you're required to give one constructive comment, at least two lines of what you thought of the book as well as a vote on each parts. Vote is not necessary but encouraged. Give vote if you think the story deserve for a vote. Please keep respect and give valuable constructive comment.

6. Once you finished with the story, please confirm on the comment box of that week's Group Reading announcement page, saying you are done and which book was your favorite, with format (example): I have done with the forum thread and books of @eeeee @rrrrrr @333333 My favourite is @eeeeee story part 3. 

7. You, as well another members who had gotten read and commented, must pick one favorite comment on your book and state it on the inline comment of week's Group Reading announcement page, with format: My favorite comment (example): from @eeeee on my book part 3

8. Then every 2 weeks there will be an announcement page of The Best Love Story and Book Of The Week. If you are the book winner, everyone in the club will read 3 parts of your book. There will be 1 TBLS and 2 BOTW winners who will get 3 parts of their book read and commented by all members. The club's admin will state the 3 featured parts to be read. Remember, there is possibility some will read the book entirely.

The TBLS/BOTW will be chosen regarding to who follow assignments completely and who makes the most effort to build/participate in the club activity. Also, member who his/her book got favorited by other member, his/her comment got favorited by the writer, have a chance to be featured as TBLS and Book of the Week.

9. Other members in the club must read the 3 featured parts of the TBLS and BOTW winners. Please give praise to the winner by reading theirs. Then give a constructive comment under their story.

And then confirm under the TBLS/BOTW announcement page, in format (example): I have done with BOTW @eeeee @rrrrrr and TBLS @ggggg My favorite part: part 12 of @eeeeee

10. And again, the TBLS and BOTW winner must pick 5 favorite comments and state them in the inline comment of The TBLS/BOTW announcement page (format same as step 7). This has positive benefit for the favorited commenters as they will have more chance to be picked as TBLS/BOTW in the next round of Group Reading.

11. After the Weekly Group Reading ended and TBLS/BOTW announced. The next round of Group Reading will begin. Admin will create a new announcement page again, members (old/new) who wish to participate in this new round can fill in the joining form there. You can enter the same book or another title of your book. You're free to join at anytime. Members who do not re-register will not be included in that round of Weekly Group Reading assignments.

12. There would be a list of Top Ten Favorite Books each round. All members are only obligated to read the TBLS and BOTW winners' books. However, The TTFB have a chance to be found by wattpaders as well by readers through search engines.

So, interested to participate? Don't hesitate to apply now, It'd be fun!

##This Round 1's submitting form had been closed, if you're interested submit your book, check each Saturday for new form of the latest round! :-) 


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