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Y/N Pov

I was sitting in the cafeteria with Rose, having lunch and also talking about how the hell she could fall in love with Chanyeol. I mean come on, the three of us have been best friends since kindergarten.

Y/N- So... Tell me, why do you like Chanyeol? 

Rose looked at me with helpless eyes. I really feel pity for her now. Chanyeol is like a brother to us and I don't think that he likes Rose too. I don't even think that Rose likes him, maybe she's just confused?.. I don't know. 

Rose- I have no idea. Y/N help me please.. I don't know what to do. I can't even talk to him.. I'm nervous. What if he likes someone else?? Omg I think I'm going crazy!

Yeah... now I'm really worried. Does she really like him that much? I have to help her somehow. 

Suddenly Chanyeol entered the cafeteria with a girl, with his hand around her waist. WHAT?! ROSE IS GOING TO GO CRAZY! I had to do something to save my friend.  I could already see that she was mad. 

Rose- Y/N who is she? No... Is she his girlfriend? What can I do now? He will never like me...

That was enough. I already had a plan how to get rid of that girl. Maybe Chanyeol wouldn't like this plan, but I had to do that.  Anyway, I don't think that he's interested in this girl, come on he's just a playboy. 

Y/N- Hey! Calm down. Trust me, she's never going to come near Chanyeol. 

She looked at me with a hope in her eyes. 

Chanyeol- Hello guys. 

He smiled to us and was about to sit down, when I looked at him angrily.

Y/N- Hey babe! Why didn't you call me last night? Do you even have an idea how much I've missed you??!!

Chanyel looked at me with his eyes widened, then he looked at Rose, who couldn't even look straight at his eyes, I knew she was shocked too. But who was shocked the most? Heheh. Of course Chanyeol's new girl. She looked really angry btw. 

Chanyeol- Y/N what the-

Y/N- I have been waiting for your call all night... And who the hell is SHE??!! 

I looked at the girl with death glare. Chanyeol still couldn't realize what was going on. 

Girl- I... I'm...


I yelled at her. Her eyes were already full of tears, she turned towards Chanyeol, slapped him really hard and ran out of the cafeteria crying. Cahnyeol looked at me with both angry and shocked eyes. 

Yeah! Admit it, I'm a really good actress. Hehehe.

Chanyeol- Y/N SERIOUSLY?!! I've been chasing after her since morning! BABE!

I was laughing really hard, when he was ready to kill me. Rose chuckled a little bit too. 

Suddenly I received a message from Jungkook. 

Kookie <3

Hey babe. Where are you?  Aren't you going to have lunch? 

I'm on the way to the cafeteria with Suga and Jimin.

Cold Princess <3

Hey kookie. I'm already in the cafeteria and hurry up,

because Chanyeol can kill me in any second. Hehehe

My Cold Princess [J.J.K] *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now