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After May the other months flew by faster than a speeding bullet for (Y/N). It was the start of the next year before she knew it.

Her birthday slash the anniversary of her parents death was somehow easier to cope with than the previous years. She actually came out once, which wasn't much but it was still something. Ayato knocked a few times, but when she faked a raspy voice the fifth time to answer the door he finally stopped knocking.

She was back to being herself the very next day. Everyone just assumed it was her certain time of the month and left it at that, which she was perfectly fine with.

She wasn't exactly sure about what to expect of this year. Already things were happening. The news of Touka finally agreeing to go to school left a bubble of excitement coursing through her vains. Touka would be going to the same school as (Y/N) and she was excited about that, also at the fact that she'd be able to walk to school and back home with both Ayato and Touka. Also since she was now thirteen she was a certified part-time waitress and she even got a cute uniform.

Renji agreed to finally use his Kagune after (Y/N) practically matched him in combat and defeated him in a sparr in hand to hand combat.

(Y/N) already had a good feeling about the year.

"Hey shrimp. Come on, let's go. We're getting your mask made." Ayato said, his voice smooth and deep. The older he got, the more taller and deeper and huskier his voice got.

(Y/N) thought it was unfair that he got all the good stuff of puberty; the amazing voice and height.

She closed the book she was writing in, looking confused. "Already? I thought the mask thing was just a suggestion." She was happy about getting a cool mask like Enji and Irima but she was also a bit curious as to why the decision was made so quickly.

Ayato had grown taller over the year. Now (Y/N) just reached his ear but she was pretty sure he was growing taller than that.

"There's some investigators in the ward. It's just a repercussion." He answered.

"Okay." (Y/N) got out of her chair from her study desk, grabbed her yellow cardigan and slipped it on as she met Ayato at her door.

"This is so cool." She grinned. "Do I get to pick the kind of mask I want?"

Ayato began walking with long strides. "In a way."

"So I can make like an animal mask, you know, maybe a badger, or a kitten." She rambled on as they left Anteiku.

Ayato had a look of boredom etched on his face. "A kitten?"

"Yeah--well kinda--I mean it was just an example--ish."

"What's so threatening about a kitten?" He asked bemused.

"That's the thing, it's not. I like the idea of being underestimated, that way I have the upper hand in combat."

Ayato stared at her in slight awe. "Renji has taught you well."

(Y/N) smiled. "Thank you. So what's your mask like Ayato-kun?"

"Why do you ask?" He shifted his gaze ahead.

She shrugged. "Just curious is all."

"You'll eventually see." He answered finally. The rest of the walk was in a comfortable silence.

It was mid-day, the sun shone brightly in the sky as clouds lazily drifting about. There wasn't much people out today, on the account of it being hot and sunny.

After a few minutes of walking Ayato stopped at the front of a building and she stopped by him.

"We're here," he informed her as he walked into the builidng. That didn't really take long.

Fallen Angel✔| Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now