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(Y/N) eye's widened as she realized what she was just doing and seeing the arrogant smirk plastered all over his sexy face only made matters worse.

"A-Ayato-kun!" She exclaimed, quickly turning around to preserve what little dignity she had left.

He chuckled and she felt her whole body heat up. It was bad enough the mere sight of his finely young chiseled body almost made her faint from how fast her pulse was racing, but when he chuckled and smirked like that it only made the situation more embarrassing for her.

"Dammit! Why did not you lock the door or something!?" She exclaimed, her cheeks the brightest red. She practically committed sin based on the way she eyed his chest alone, and that's not even including the way her eyes raked his body.

Not that I'm complaining. She scowled at her thoughts.

He chuckle again, this time managing to make her brain turn static and her knees jello.

"Well usually normal people who care about other people's decency knock." He said with such nonchalance at such an awkward situation that it infuriated her.

"Not that you're really complaining, you seemed to be enjoying yourself." He was suddenly right behind her, his hot breath tickling her earlobes.

She froze, her body tensed at how close he was to her. She screwed her eyes shut, trying not to think of how he was practically naked, the only thing covering him and saving her from a heart attack was a loosely tied towel. She bit her bottom lip and forced her to not release a sigh of pleasure as the smell of soap and vinalla shampoo invaded her nostrils.

"Based on how fast your heart is accelerating, I'd say, you're enjoying this." His murmured lowly, his lips so close to her ears.

"A-Ayato-kun--" she froze, her eyes going wide when she suddenly felt his warmth. His hands were suddenly wrapped around her waist, his chin on her head, just like whenever he was comforting her, except this position was definitely not comforting.

Her breathing came out as ragged, but she forced herself to speak.

"W-what are you doing?" She breathed, not moving a muscle.

"Shhh." His head moved, his nose nuzzling into her neck.

She bit her lips hard to keep herself from moaning and subconsciously tilted her head to the side as his lips trailed her neck gently. She leaned back,

Suddenly, she froze, her body going rigid. Trying to calm herself down, she inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"A-Ayato-kun." She breathed.

He hummed against her. His arms tight around her, pressing her body against his,

"Ummm . . . There's a stick or something, poking my butt?"

He chuckled. "It's not a stick, Shrimp. It's my--"

"Ahhhhhh!!!" (Y/N) wasn't even certain she was strong enough to break through his grip but somehow, miraculously, she broke free with such a force and kicked the door open as she practically flew out of the room, her cheeks bright red and her heart hammering in her chest. As she fled out, she heard Ayato bark out laughing. She swore she'd have her revenge.

When she returned, she made sure to knock, with one hand covering her eyes.

As soon as her knuckles touched the door, it gently opened, as if the door was already opened.

"Are you decent?" She asked loudly.

There was no response.

"Ayato-kun! Come on, answer me."

Fallen Angel✔| Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now