A Shitty Party

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After Toby's shift at the bar, he walked out to the dark alley where he would meet BEN. He saw BEN's creepy irises in the dark.

(Toby's POV)

"Hey man" I said, waving the money in my hand, grinning. Ben handed me the weed and I gave him the money. "Did you hear about the party Hex is hosting?" EJ said, standing next to BEN. I jumped back. "Holy shit man what the hell?! When did you get here?" Jack laughed, I ignored him and turned to BEN "Er, no I didn't.. Is this an invite?" I said. BEN nodded. "Yeah, it's actually about to start. Want to walk with us?" I was still in drag, there's no way I'm showing up to the party like this. Surely Zalgo is going to be there, I know he will give me shit about it.. "Nah man, I need to change. But I'm definitely coming!" I waved, walking away to my apartment.

(Masky's POV)

I propped myself up against the wall, silently watching everyone chat and enjoy themselves. I sighed lightly, sipping my drink. I noticed the door open, a tall skinny boy walked into the room, everyone turned to him and greeted him. My eyes widened when I got a closer look... Is that the- I couldn't believe this.. That's the stripper I saw at the bar! Holy shit holy shit is he.. He's coming up to me what do I d- "Hey! I'm Toby." he said and gave me a smile. I stood there quietly. He waved his hand in my face, giving me a confused look. "Uh- H-hey.. You can call me Masky." I mumbled, my hands felt clammy. Toby tilted his head, popping his neck. "I saw you at the bar!" He said, continuing to smile. I blushed, slightly smiling under my mask. "Yeah.. I'm the bartender, did I serve you a drink er something?" He looked down to the ground, looking back up he said "Heh.. No, you see, well, Uhm.. I'm the-" Zalgo came up to us, messing up Toby's hair "Hey! You bastard." Toby cringed, looking up at him. Zalgo rolled his eyes "are you two lovers going to be social with everyone or are you two going to make out in the corner?" I blushed, Toby starting to get even more angry. "At least I don't let my workers blow me.." Toby muttered. Zalgo held up a fist, but slowly put it down. "Whatever," he said "Just come over here, you two." Zalgo walked off and Toby turned to me, laughing like crazy. "Hah! Did you see how much I pissed him off?!" He held up his hand, offering me a high five. I lightly pressed my hand against his, smiling nervously under my mask. Toby stopped laughing, staring blankly ahead.

(Toby's POV)

Oh my god.. He- he's the guy I met in the stall! How did I not recognize his voice?! He's been cuter than I imagined. I blushed, looking at him. I noticed I was just standing there. "Oh- sorry.. Uhm we should go- over there with everyone else." I walked over with everyone else. Hex raised an eyebrow at me. "Ooh! Toby is blushing!" I looked down, trying to change the subject. "Well look at Slendy and Zalgo! Zalgo gave Slendy big goofy smile, while Slendy was blushing like crazy. They liked each other, no- loved. They loved each other. They were just too 'straight' to admit it. Zalgo stopped acting all lovey-dovey and turned to me "Shut up you ticking son of a bitch!" I laughed and turned back to the group, seeing Sophie all over Hex. Wrapping her arms around him, kissing on his cheek.. What happened to US? I wondered. Honestly, I was jealous of Hex.. I mean, I know whenever Sophie and I were together I treated her like shit, and got drunk every weekend even though she didn't want me to.. I just realized what I had. I had a lovely, kind girlfriend. That I took for granted! I frowned at the perfect couple.

(Masky's POV)

What the hell? Toby just ran off! What the hell did I do? Did I scare him? Did I say something wrong? Oh shit.. I did, didn't I?! He probably hates me.. Oh god. As I stood in the corner of the room, EJ came up to me. "Hey dude!" He said. "Uh hey.." I said quietly. "Are you freaking out man? Everything okay?" He asked me, sounding a bit concerned. "Everything is fine.. I just uh.." I had to think of an excuse. I have no idea why I was freaking out so much.. "I'm fine.." Jack looked at me even more concerned, I think I worried him. I looked back at Toby, he was talking to Hoodie. "Hoodie.." I mumbled, whispering to myself. "Is Hoodie trying to ruin this for me?!" I cringed. "Man, what's wrong with you?" Jack asked. "N-nothing!" I was heated. "I'm just going to leave.. I have work tomorrow." I sighed heavily, barging out the door.

[ writer's note ]

Okay here's the links to Hex's and Sophie's stories. Both are very well written so you should check 'em out.

Hex's story: http://ari3s220.deviantart.com/art/The-One-They-Call-Hex-an-original-Creepypasta-466445210

Sophie's story: http://datinfernalbeauty.deviantart.com/art/The-Missing-Member-457994624

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