1. Sports Image

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      { Jungkook's P.O.V }

Fiddling beneath my covers, I reached for my cell phone which was buzzing on the table. Lazily putting it against my ear, I mumbled an inaudible 'hello'.

"Hello. Kook?"


"Were you sleeping?"


"I'm coming to Korea."


"Are you listening?"

"Hmm... WAIT WHAT?!"

"What you heard is right, bro. I've made all arrangements and will come back and continue my studies in Korea."

"That's great! But I thought you liked there in America..."

"You're absolutely wrong, dude. It's no fun here---

"Tae-hy-ung, it's time for class!... Ah-Ah I'm coming! Take care, Kook!"

"You too, hyung. Bye-"

The call got disconnected after I heard a girl's voice, who was probably pulling hyung to class.

Who was that?

    { Lee Eun Bi's P.O.V }


Closing the door behind me before stepping out of the house, I bit the last bits of my sandwich as I walked to school.

Upon reaching school, the first thing I heard was a yell.


Turning around, I saw a wild Kang So Young running towards me. I smiled at her. But my smile soon turned into a frown by an unpleasant voice and face.

"Eun Bi~~" Jungkook intimidated Young's voice, his evil smirk plastered on his face as he passed by me with his group of friends.

"Cut it out!"

"Cut it out~~" he said, his voice high pitched, making his friends burst into laughter.

Young grabbed my arm before I created a scene, pulling me in the other direction, "Leave that jerk."

Sighing, I turned my head and blew a raspberry at him, before averting my attention to Young who had started telling me about her first experience of cooking, which she failed in badly.

Laughing at how she got scolded by her mother, I patted the back of a now pissed Young.

"Anyways, Young. How long do you think Jungkook's gonna keep this act? I mean it's already been a week since that match," I asked Young as we entered the school through the other gate.

She shrugged, "I seriously have no idea. I've never kept an eye on him. But I hope he stops being a jerk soon."

"Me too."

I sighed, memories from the last volleyball match circling my mind in which I was paired up with Jungkook, whom I never knew was even in my class. Due to my performance, I became the cause of our humiliating defeat, lowering Jungkook's sports image.

Sports image my foot, you arrogant jerk.

Young snapped me out of my thoughts, making me realize that we were already outside our class. There were still a few minutes left before the class starts so the teacher hadn't arrived. Making my way to the third desk of the middle row, I greeted my seatmate as I sat down.

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