This City Is Insidious

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Hales' POV

I looked over at my bed, seeing the opened suitcase with clothes sprawled out around it. I was going to be a photographer on Warped Tour and didn't know what to pack, cause I hadn't been to America before. I also wanted to pack light, knowing I was going to be spending months on a bus.

I knew I had to pack my camera, which I was going to put in my hand luggage for pictures of the view from the plane window. I also packed my Polaroid camera and the cables I needed to plug them both into my laptop. Shit, I forgot to pack my laptop. I folded the clothes on my bed to the best of my ability and carefully placed them inside my case. Then, I realised I had yet to pack underwear. I basically lifted my whole underwear drawer and placed them inside. I also packed my toiletries and stationary, for songwriting and doodling.

I had yet to find out who I was to be the photographer for, but I didn't have time to constantly check my emails. I had to get to the airport soon, so once I grabbed my charger and headphones, my suitcase and my backpack, I walked out to the Uber outside. I scrolled through my Instagram, looking at all of the bands going to warped tour and pondering who I would be sharing a bus with. After about half an hour, my Uber stopped outside of the airport. I thanked the guy and promised it give him a good rating.

I lifted my stuff out of his boot and dragged my suitcase into the airport. I walked over to the Virgin Atlantic desk, and passing the guy my suitcase to put on the conveyor belt behind him. He gave me a tag to put on my carry on and I thanked him, before walking to security.

After getting through without any problems, I made my way to Burger King to quickly grab food before I got on the plane. I also went through to the Victoria Secret to get a body spray when I realised that I had forgotten to bring a perfume. Once I had done all of that, I made my way to my gate and waited for them to call everyone from first class onto the plane.

When they did, I made my way into the plane and to my seat. I had never been in First Class before, and I never would have been there right now if Journey's wasn't paying for my flight. I mentally thanked them and got my phone, charger and headphones out of my bag before putting it under the seat in front of me. After an hour of sitting on the plane, we finally took off. I knew it was a long flight to Texas, so I started to play some music, snap some pictures and sleep.

I was awoken by the woman beside me telling me we were going to land soon. I thanked her and rubbed my eyes. This was the worst part of the whole journey. Landing.


I landed safely and got through security just fine. I checked my email to see an email from Vans telling me that their should be a tour bus waiting for me outside. I made my way through the airport and saw a large silver tour bus waiting, exactly where the email stated. I smiled, nervous, and walked toward the bus, dragging my suitcase behind me and already sweating from the heat. I needed to change when I got on the bus.

I knocked on the door and it was opened by Awsten Knight. I may or may not have melted a bit.
"Hey, I um- I'm your photographer, Hales." I said and mentally facepalmed. I only stutter when I'm overwhelmed but there was no need to be.
"Yeah, I'm Awsten. Come in, you look a bit hot. I mean, uh warm, from the heat." He blushed a bit and moved away from the door, allowing me to get in. I giggled a bit and was instantly hit by cold air flowing from the Air Conditioning. I turned around to a lounge area, most likely one of two. I saw Geoff, Otto and Mikey sitting playing a very intense game of Mario Kart. I laughed again and they turned around, player A pausing the game.

"Guys, this is our photographer Hales. Hales, this is Geoff, Otto and Mikey." Awsten said, pointing to each of them.
"I know you guys. I love you're music. And yours Mikey." He smiled at me and I turned to look at Awsten.
"So where's my bunk? Sorry for being forward, I just need to put on less clothes." He laughed and started walking through the lounge to a closed door.
"The bunks are through here, yours is the top on at the back left side. I'm directly across from you." I nodded.
"Thanks, I'll come through to the lounge once I'm changed." He nodded and awkwardly walked away, closing the door behind him. I quietly laughed and put my suitcase and carry on bag up on my bunk, feeling the bus move. It was going to take a while to get used to that.

I unzipped my case and took out a pair of striped denim shorts and a blue tank top. I took them into the bathroom and quickly got changed, not wanting to risk the boys seeing me naked withing half an hour of knowing them.

I went back into the lounge and sat on one of the couches. Sofa, I reminded myself. Britain is over, and it's a new chapter. I smiled and noticed two of the four boys looking at me. Awsten and Geoff.
"So, tell us about yourself Hales." Geoff said, getting the other guys' attention. 

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