Kiss me like nobody would when I was 15

15 1 0

~~timeskip to the first day of Warped Tour~~

I woke up and we seemed to already be outside of the venue. When I looked out of the window in the lounge, I saw many other tourbusses beside ours. My phone buzzed in my pocket and it was a message from the head of photography.

Jen- **sent to all** There will be a meeting 9am backstage at the Journeys stage. Bring your cameras and be ready to make some friends!

I smiled and checked the time. 7:05 am. That's fine, I quickly went for a shower and dried my hair, not bothering to straighten it. The boys were still asleep but I was sure they didn't need to wake up. Our bus driver Jen wished me luck as I left with my camera bag on my back. I thanked her and walked over to find the Journeys stage.

As I walked closer, I noticed there was a table for us all to sign in. I signed my name and got my VIP badge so I put it round my neck. I walked over to a group of people.
"Hey! What's you're name?" A girl asked me, she looked around my age.
"Hales, what about you?" I asked her.
"Oh, my name's Poppy. Who's photographer are you?" She asked me.
"Oh um, Waterparks. And you?" Poppy smiled at me.
"All Time Low, it just means I won't be here as long, but it's better for me this way. I need to babysit when I go back." She laughed and looked down at her VIP badge. It said All Time Low at the bottom. I looked down at mine and it said Waterparks. That made sense.

"Attention guys! This was just to let everyone mingle with each other before we start our day, so everyone is free to go back to their busses, I'll message you later. You will be needed when your band does sound check and their performance." Jen informed us. I nodded and Poppy gave me her number, saying we should do something together. I probably wouldn't. I sent Awsten a message saying I was heading back.

Hales- Hey, I'm gonna be back in five minutes, just to let you know :)
Awsten- oh uh, I'm kinda busy right now, but I'll uh, see you when I'm done
Hales- oh okay, well I'll see you soon then

I was visibly blushing and I'm sure Poppy noticed it.
"What's up?" She asked me.
"Oh, I uh, just got a message from my boyfriend back home." She nodded and smirked.
"Dirty texting I see?" I laughed and nodded. She smiled and we parted our ways when we got to the bus parking.

I got onto the bus and saw Mikey, Otto and Geoff sitting in the front lounge. I said hi to them and walked into the bunk area. I checked Awstens bunk and he wasn't there, so I decided he was in the bedroom. Being bored was awful so I decided to go through. I heard little pants coming through the door and blushed a bit. It wasn't as if I hadn't heard them before, we'd had sex a few times now. It was just different. I knocked on the door.

"Awsten, it's me." I said quietly, so the others wouldn't hear. He gasped and I opened the door enough for me to slip through.


Awsten smiled at me as we walked to the front lounge to meet the guys. We looked at the time and Mikey said we should all probably leave, so that's what we did. I grabbed my camera bag to get a few pictures of them warming up. We walked to the stage, me leading the way as I had just been there. A woman handed Geoff and Awsten their guitars, Mikey his bass, Otto his drumsticks and Awsten his mic. They thanked her and walked into the stage. There were only the staff working around, so they weren't giving it their 100% but they were still really energetic. I snapped a few pictures. And one of Geoff and Awsten after soundcheck which I really liked, so I decided to post it on Instagram.

Liked by Awstenknight and 2,097 moreHalescommahey- I made a dirty joke 🤷🏼‍♀️View all 267 comments

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Liked by Awstenknight and 2,097 more
Halescommahey- I made a dirty joke 🤷🏼‍♀️
View all 267 comments

I was quickly swarmed with likes, as Warped Tour had posted a list of all the Photographers @ the day before. I smiled and turned off notifs for Instagram. I started humming It Follows as we walked to the drinks station to get Awsten more Monster. As we walked, we noticed people staring to file into the venue so we realised we had to be quick.

I also decided to get Monster aswell, seeing as we were there. Aferwards we walked back to the stage in time to see All Time Low performing. I smiled and sang along with Awsten laughing at my enthusiasm. I turned and pouted at him as All Time Low stopped singing and walked off stage. The boys hugged them all and I saw Poppy walk off the stage after snapping pictures of the crowd. I smiled and walked on after her, giving her a hug as we passed. I knelt down beside on of the speakers and waited for the boys to come on, watching some people leave the crowd and more people join. Otto and Geoff walked onto the stage and I snapped a picture. They were followed by Mikey and then Awsten.


After their set, the boys were sweaty and tired. I laughed at them as they panted, setting down their instruments behind the stage for one of the roadies to take. I hugged them all and exclaimed my disgust over their sweaty bodies. Awsten playfully hit my shoulder and gasped. I laughed and hugged him again. I buried my face in his neck and Mikey touched my back.
"Hey, Halls, I don't think you should hug him that affectionately here." He gestured to the stage and the fans. I nodded and pulled away. Awsten blushed and scratched his neck.

We walked back to the tour bus talking about how amazing they did. I showed them the pictures I had taken and they talked about how cool they were. We eventually got to the bus and saw Black Veil Brides walking past us. I slapped Awsten's shoulder and gestured towards them. He laughed.
"Hey Andy! This is our photographer Hales, she wants to say hi." I slapped him again and waved at them.
"Hi Hales! We'll catch up later, we need to get to our set." I nodded and waved again. We got onto our bus and I grabbed Awsten.
"You're an asshole, yknow?" He laughed.

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