Chapter 2

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Pete's POV

I pull into the parking garage where Cazzie lives. I feel super bad because I was a half an hour late from talking to Ari but she is just such a great person to be around and time passes fast when I'm with her. I open the door to tell her the exciting news 

"Babe you're not going to believe who I ran into at Carmine" while handing her the food



"so that's why it took so long, you were talking to that little slut" she rolls her eyes and takes out the food

"don't say that she's my friend"

"no she isn't"

"you can't say who I can be friends with"

"yes I can I'm YOUR girlfriend"

"well I'm planning to get lunch with her soon" I look down at my pasta

"oh really?" she questions 

"yes we haven't talked in a while and I want to catch up" I explain

"well I'm coming with you"

"fine" I huff

me: hey want to go get lunch tomorrow if you are free

AG: yea that sounds good. where at?

me: how about sushi at Nori at 1pm and Cazzie wants to come

AG: for sure see you there :)

----------The next day----------

We pull into the the parking lot at Nori about 10 minutes early and walk towards the entrance. There was a couple of paparazzi but nothing major. I mean who wants to report on me and Cazzie eating sushi.

"welcome to Nori do you have a reservation?" the waiter acts

"yea it should be under Davidson" 

"It says for three, is there someone else coming?"

"yea we are just early" Cazzie states

They seat us at a booth by the back wall and hand us the menu when we hear yelling coming from outside 




She walks in wearing a short oversized sweater with boots that go up to her thigh and a ponytail that you could spot anywhere. She looks around the restaurant when she spots us my heart rate quickens as she makes her way over 

"hey guys" she smlies

"hey Ari" I smile back 

"hi" Cazzie retorts

When she sits down there is a moment of awkward silence but I break it 

"so have you been here before?"

"yea once with Kiyan" she says 

"Mac lets you go out with other guys?" Cazzie asks

"yea but we are long time friends"

"seems kind of slutty to do that when you have a boyfriend"

"stop please" I whisper

"well he trusts me enough" she says

"do you trust him?" 


"really so if Mac went out with a girl you would trust him not to do anything?" Cazzie pushes it further

"Cazzie thats enough" warning her

"I've b-been with with him long enough to know that he wouldn't"

Damn it I can tell she's getting overwhelmed by her stuttering

"I-I'm going to go to the bathroom excuse me" as her voice slightly breaks

I get up to follow her

"what are you doing we need to order?" Cazzie retorts

"you really have the stomach to eat after what you just did?"

"I just opened a possibility that all, she's just being sensitive" 

"I'm going to get her and when I get back either be nicer or please eat somewhere else" 

"bye" she mumbles as she gets up 

I walk towards the restroom but the door was locked because it was only a single stall so I knock

"Ariana" but there was no answer so I knock again

"Ari I know you're in there, please let me in"

There was a couple sniffles and the door opens slightly

"what do you want Pete?" she asks with tears running down her face 

"can I come in?"

she nods and I close the door behind me 

"I'm sorry about Cazzie she just gets jealous"

"I'm not crying because of the rude stuff she said, I get that all the time"

"then why are you so upset?"

"because she is adding another reason why I'm going to have to end things with Mac" she breaks out

I pull her into a hug not caring about my sweater thats going to be covered with makeup. She doesn't deserve to be going through this and should be really happy. Although she was with Mac when I first met her I always admired her and would do anything to be in his place but she's way out of my league

"hey I'm sure you will work things out" comforting her anyways

"Pete he doens't even care about me"

"well if he doesn't then he is crazy okay? you are this amazing, talented, and beautiful girl that deserves everything in the world and if he can't give it to you then you need to find someone who does"

"thank you for this Pete, its what I needed. Cazzie is a lucky girl"

 she gives me a kiss on the cheek and luckily the lights in the bathroom are dim so she can't see me blush

"Wish you were my girl" I mumble under my breath

"What was that" she asks as we walk out 

"nothing you'd be interested in" I say as we walk back to our booth

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