3. Drug Lord

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Mint and air freshener

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Mint and air freshener.

That's the first clue my senses picked up on to let me know there's no way I made it home last night. 

No body aches.

Thats the second clue telling me that for the first time in over one year I didn't end up dragging a drunk Taehyung home and end up passing out on the floor from overwhelming stress and exhaustion.

The third clue─ the soft pants of breath hitting my face. I didn't have to open my eyes to know it wasn't Taehyung. 

'Do I dare open my eyes?'  Nerves built up in the pit of my stomach as I replayed the events of last night in my head. 

Getting dragged to some random party. The usual drunk vomiting boyfriend. The mysterious sexy stranger...


"STRANGER!" My eyes snapped open, body thrusting upward with great force as I stared down at two chocolate doe eyes so wide they look like they could pop right out of the sockets. Our gazes locked for what felt like an eternity as the silence dragged on for several moments. 

In a sleepy haze, his brows furrowed. "Stranger? I thought we already introduced ourselves," his hoarse morning voice rang out interrupting the silent atmosphere. A tingle sensation went up my spine to the back of my neck while hearing him continue. "You didn't seem like you had anything to drink last night. Don't you remember?" 

I glanced down at my bare legs and the white cotton t-shirt, seeing how our we were tangled together on the same gray couch we were talking on for hours last night. A feeling of relief washed over me as I could feel my underwear still on. I looked back to meet his worried gaze again.

"Jungkook," I whispered being as I could barely form a sentence this early in the morning. 

Slowly, I pulled my legs together and tucked them underneath myself as I sat in front of him. He huffed out a short laugh as a look of relief flashed across his face briefly.

I took in his morning appearance; deep brown locks messed on certain areas of his head, clothes wrinkled, and the markings from the couch imprinted lines up parts of his veiny arms and a bit on his cheek. The light gleamed through the tall open windows from behind, caressed and illuminated his form, making it look like an aura of light was surrounding his body as he sat up and rubbed his eyes. 

I blinked my eyes several times as heat rushed to my cheeks at the beautiful sight of the sleepy angel before me. 

'This can't be good for my heart this early in the morning.'

"You had me worried for a second there," he glanced down at his hands which were nervously rubbing together. "I thought you forgot about our whole conversation last night. I thought you forgot about me." He bit his lip and it took everything in me not to squeal. I held back a smile dying to form as I thought back to our conversation last night.

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