38. Family

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I could feel vomit edging it's way up the back of my throat.

Nervous wasn't a good enough word to describe how I was feeling as I slowly drove down the long driveway through the drizzle that was left after the heavy rainfall. 

I wasn't afraid, I was completely terrified.

'Facing Jungkook won't be an easy task, but I can't run anymore.' I trudged up the steps to the door, reaching my fist up to knock.

"Shit!" I whispered, hand shooting back down by my side, doing an aggravated dance as I couldn't muster up the courage to knock.

Instead I began to pace back and forth in an alarmed frenzy in front of the towering front double doors.

'What if he doesn't want to see me? What if he's asleep? Or at work? It's around seven, what if he has an early breakfast marriage meeting or something? Do rich people they have those?'

I froze mid step as the front door suddenly swung open, words caught in my throat as Jungkook appeared with a girl coming from behind him.

She looked only a bit older than me with short chocolate brown hair that barely reached her chin. Her features were soft, so pure looking, almost like a pretty doll or a puppy, and her smile was so lovely and inviting.

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Our eyes locked and as always time locked in place as well. 

Everything moved in slow motion to allow us time to drink each other in. Jungkook opened his mouth and I could see my name beginning to shape his lips.

Two other figures swiftly pushed by Jungkook and the unknown girl, their eyes scanning my body up and down as if they already knew who I was, and they didn't like that I was here. I could already tell who they were from their looks.

Jungkook's parents.

Jungkook looked exactly like his father only much younger. His father had wrinkles beginning to show through his handsome face, hair clearly dyed black except for a hint of silver in the very front. His mother much shorter with age, her face free of wrinkles from many surgeries and botox. Her hair tied back in a low bun, expensive jewels and a fancy dress adorning her petite figure. Everyone looked dressed up while I looked like just I woke up out of bed with the clothes Lisa let me borrow.

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