A Friendship That Goes Way Back

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3rd Person POV:

John sat at a little table coloring a turtle. He was at daycare while his mom and dad were at work. He hummed along to a song that was previously on in the car while he was on his way here.

"Hmm... it's missing something." John said as he observed his turtle. "Oh I know a hat!" He excitedly stated. He drew a black top hat on the turtle and smiled looking at his beautiful masterpiece.

     A kid walks through the door and John is puzzled as to who it is. His other friends Hercules and Lafayette weren't at daycare today. So he thought that he would go and talk to the new kid. He gets up and walks over to the door where Mr. Washington is and taps the kid on his shoulder. The kid turns around staring at John.

     "Um hello my name is John and I was wondering if you wanted to come play with me?" He asked hoping for a yes. The kid stood there for a second thinking about his answer until he replied with a simple "sure!".

"So what's your name?" John asked the new kid. " Alexander but I prefer people calling me Alex." He said. "Ok well what do you wanna play?" "Do you like to write?" Alex asked. "Um well I can't really write that much but uh if you want to we can." John smiled. "Nah it's fine! How about we play with blocks?" He asked. "Now that I can do!" John laughed.

And that was just the start of their friendship. They hung out everyday and John introduced him to his other friends.

"Herc, Laf, I would like you to meet Alex!" John grinned standing beside Alex. "Hey smalls!" Herc said to Alex. "Oh smalls I see that as a how you say nickname!" Laf cheered. "Well now you got a nickname!" John said. "Well what's your nickname?" Alex pointed to John.

"They call me freckles or turtle boy!" John said proudly. "How about you guys?" Alex pointed to Laf and Herc. "I don't know why but people call me ze baguette." Laf chuckled. "I don't have a nickname!" Herc bragged. "Yes you do mon ami! You're a teddy bear!" Laf giggled. Everyone but Herc started laughing uncontrollably.

"Hmph! You're not supposed to ruin my reputation by saying I'm a teddy bear!" Herc pouted while playfully punching Laf in the arm. "What, your reputation of drinking all the apple juice!?" John laughed. "I don't drink all of the apple juice only most of it." He mumbled.

The four of them did everything together. Nothing could tear them apart. Not even Eliza Schuyler. She had a crush on Alex since second grade. And she finally made a move in eighth grade.

Alex, Herc, Laf, and John sat at their normal spot for lunch. "And so the turtle must have a top hot!" John concluded his long story. "Mhmmm" Alex hummed. "Um h-hey Alex." Eliza quietly spoke. "Hey." He responded. "I uh can I talk to you alone?" She muttered. "Yeah sure." She dragged him to an empty table and they both sat down to talk.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Herc questioned. "I don't know." John sighed. "Maybe Eliza is how you say confessing her love." Laf smirked. "Ooooooh" Herc and John smirked looking at each other. After talking for a while the guys could hear Eliza squeal and squeeze Alex half to death and skip off to her sisters and Maria.

      "Alright what did you say to make her squeal like that?" Herc said. "Well she said that she liked me and I told her that I liked her back. So she asked if I would go on a date to the movies tonight and I said sure!" Alex grinned like a goofball. "Nice smalls!" Herc said playfully punching his arm. And yes that nickname stuck with him.

     Girls didn't get in there way of being a group. And that was that. But once in high school it got difficult for them. But they managed to push through it. Even with all the homework.

     John laid on his bed in his room. He had papers scattered all over the place and his laptop slowly dying. He tried to rush through all the homework so he could at least get a goodnight of sleep. As he worked his phone buzzed beside him as Herc texted in their group chat.


Hercules the great💪: who wants to meet up at the Starbucks tonight?

Freckled Turtle Boi🐢: aren't you doing the homework?

Hercules the great💪: yeah but I'll finish it tomorrow!

Smalls✍🏼: you guys are still doing that?

Freckled Turtle Boi🐢: well at least we get sleep and don't try to finish it in one day!

Hercules the great💪: is anyone gonna answer my question?!?!

La baguette🥖: I'll meet up with you mon ami.

Freckled Turtle Boi🐢: I guess I will too.

Smalls✍🏼: same here!

After high school they all went to the same college. Eliza and Alex planned to get married after college and John met a girl named Martha in high school. They were planning to get married as well. But even through that they remained a group.

"Woah it's college!!!" Herc exclaimed with excitement. "Yeah it is big!!!" John smiled. "Oui it is big!" Laf grinned. They all got their dorm numbers and it was Alex with John and Laf with Herc. "I'm so ready for this." Alex scoffed. And he was!

The years passed quickly in college. And next thing you know they all have their own apartments they're staying in. Alex got married with Eliza and John got married with Martha. Herc didn't get married but he stayed in the same apartment building with John and Alex. Unfortunately after the weddings Laf moved back to France. He said he would visit.

Years passed and Alex and Eliza got an actual house. Herc and John remained in the apartment building. But soon the time came when John moved out. They ended up in the same neighborhood as Alex and Eliza. Herc would come almost everyday to John and Alex's house to hang out.

Months go by and Eliza has a baby they named Philip. After that it turns out that Martha was pregnant too. She gave birth to a girl which they named (Y/n) a few more months later. But sadly she passed away a few days after giving birth. It left everyone devastated and Herc told John that if he ever needed help with the baby that he would be there for him.

Alex and John planned to have their kids be the best of friends just like they were. And that was their mission. It was also just the beginning of the exact opposite of what they wanted.

Word count:1138

Hello! Hello! Hello! Welcome to my new book! I'm so excited for this. Don't worry you and Philip will be in the next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy this book. There's so much more ahead of this! Can't wait until next time!

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