concert | 9

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Chapter 9:

"Only gonna push me away, that's it"
-Anne-Marie featuring Marshmello (Friends)

The five boys from the famous boy band had growing smiles on their faces as their manager David had burst through the door, explaining that it was time for them to begin their sold out concert. They all fixed their appearance, before beginning to exit the small room. Jack was the last to leave as he gave a few final words to the two who were allowed backstage. They were to stay put in the room, watching the boys preform from a large screen that would occasionally switch angles. Alyssa was excited and couldn't help but sit directly in front of the screen. Zach rolled his eyes at her, before joining her on the ground.

The two sat in the same spots, occasionally snacking on whatever goodies that were lying around. Alyssa would sometimes jump up when Jack began to sing; or sigh in admiration whenever Daniel would belt out his lyrics. Zach watched his little girl enjoy herself and couldn't be anymore in love. She had a completely different aura now that Jack once again entered their lives. And Zach doesn't know if that's a good or a bad thing.

"Aw it's over" Alyssa whined as she stood to her feet with a pout. Zach chuckled as he stood up too, wiping his jeans from whatever dust that had attached to him. He looked at the screen himself to see that the lights had dimmed before immediately cutting back on. Jack stood in the middle of the stage, microphone clutched tightly in his hands. He looked to be ready to say something, making Zach a little curious. He crossed his arms, staring at the screen in wonderment.

"Hey, everybody!" Jack shouted in the microphone. The crowd almost instantly started to scream in delight. "I wanted to thank you all for being such an amazing crowd tonight" they erupted again. "But I also wanted to say that I have a special someone new in my life. That someone being my four year old daughter, Alyssa" Zach's mouth dropped. Alyssa began to squeal and bounce around.

"Papa told dem my name, daddy!" She giggled, a smile bright on her face. Zach was the exact opposite though. He felt his fist clench and his face heating with anger. He never wanted his daughter in the spotlight, yet Jack went and did it anyway. And he was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't hear the boys close out the show. The screen went black, making Alyssa squeal once more. "Oh, daddy dis was fun!'

Zach didn't have the motive to reply. He just grabbed his belongings and scooped Alyssa into his arms. She was confused about why he was upset, but didn't say anything. She just held onto his body as he walked towards the door. And just when Zach was going to open it himself, it flung open revealing the five sweaty and tired guys.

"Alright, freshen up quick. We gotta do our meet and greet very soon" Jonah instructed as he walked past the small family and over towards a table to grab a water bottle. Corbyn followed, while Daniel and Jack stopped in front of Zach and Alyssa. They must of noticed his frown as their smiles dropped.

"Hey, what's wrong? Didn't you enjoy the show?" Daniel wondered, tickling the little girl's stomach. Zach stepped away. He placed Alyssa on her feet, before shoving Jack. He stumbled back a few, confused and a little hurt.

"What the hell, Zach!?"

"What is wrong with you!? I told you Alyssa isn't ready for the fame. But there you go, just throwing her out there!" Zach boomed as he yet again pushed Jack back. Daniel watched with wide eyes.

"Well, I can't hide her forever! I already have articles being written about me. Everyone wants to know why I keep being seen with a child" Jack answered back truthfully, his own frustration coming out. Zach laughed dryly.

"Of course" he clicked his tongue. "You did this for your image. I should have known" he grabbed Alyssa's hand, pushing past the two. "I don't wanna see you at my front door. Not tomorrow, not in a few days, not ever. I gave you your chance, Jack, but you screwed it up. You screwed it up for the second time" he then walked out the room, the little girl trailing behind not too long after.

"Wait, Zach!" Both Jack and Daniel called. The other just kept walking, while Alyssa kept looking back every now and then.


"I know, mom" Zach paused with a sigh. "I shouldn't have trusted him in the first place. But then again, could you blame me! He shows up wanting to meet his daughter. I would be a terrible person if I said no" Zach dropped his head, phone pressed tightly against his ear. "Yeah. Okay, love you too. Later."

Zach waited til she ended the call, eventually taking the phone from his ear and just looking at the screen. He closed his eyes tightly, running a hand through his hair. And when hearing the door bell go off he stood from the couch. He took a single glance at a sleeping Alyssa before hurrying towards the door. He didn't bother looking through the peep hole as he was too annoyed and tired. He swung the door open, shouting out a "what?"

His mood dropped even more as he seen Daniel standing before him.

"What do you want?" Zach harshly questioned as he leaned against the door frame with crossed arms. Daniel grinned, fiddling with his slim fingers.

"I wanted to see if you were alright. Jonah wanted to come too but was stuck with having to talk with our manager, and I assumed you didn't even want to see Jack so..." He trailed staring at the floor. Zach let out a sigh, stepping to the side.

"Come in" he spoke gently. Daniel smiled, his blue eyes twinkling.


Daniel walked into the small home, taking a look around. He eventually spotted Alyssa peacefully sleeping on the couch, practically melting at the sight.

"I hope you know, whatever you say to me will not change my mind on how Jack can't visit" Zach states. Daniel looked at the younger to see he was eyeing Daniel up and down with his lower lip inbetween his teeth. It made the blue eyed brunette lick his lips. He stopped when noticing what he was doing. He couldn't do whatever thoughts circled through his mind.

For many reasons.

"Yeah, I know. But like I said, I'm here to check on you."

Zach smirked.

"Good to know."


This made better sense in my head.


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