stay | 13

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Chapter 13:

"Why do I pull you close and then ask you for space?"
-Why Don't We (8 Letters)

It was going on two thirty, causing Zach to go on his break and pick his lovely daughter up from school. And as he was undoing the tie from his small black apron, the bell to the small diner had gone off. Zach instantly snapped his head up and glued his eyes to the door as he observed the figure that had just entered. When seeing the all to familar curly hair, Zach knew exactly who was before him. He let out a soft sigh as he put his apron behind the counter. He ran a hand through his hair as he walked up to a lost and confused Jack. The male gave a tiny grin as he seen Zach approaching.

"Stop just randomly showing up. Don't you have to leave today anyway? What are you doing here?" Zach wondered as he pushed past Jack and walked out the diner. He assumed the other would follow and so he didn't bother looking back. He had a kid to pick up anyway, and he knows how annoyed Alyssa gets when he's late.

Something involving a stinky teacher.

"Well, as said yesterday I was coming back to prove myself to you. I leave at seven tonight. It gives me a few hours with the two of you" Jack replied as the two stopped in front of the older car. Zach unlocks the door with a sigh. He then slips in, Jack copying his motions instantly.

"I don't think this is a good idea. You should just leave. Try again when tour is over" Zach spoke while starting the ignition; the engine roaring alive. "I can drop you back off wherever, and we can talk over the phone if you want?" he then started backing out; never taking a glance at the upset male beside him.

"What? No. Zach, I'm trying to make this work" Jack blurts. "I understand you're upset and angry and whatever, but for the sake of Alyssa can you please just let me help."

"No. I don't think you understand. You didn't just hurt me, Jack. You hurt Alyssa too. The second she was born she didn't see her other father. All because of some stupid singing dream" Zach rants. He keeps a calm composure, knowing he shouldn't waste his breath on Jack any longer. It was clear as day that the other was still living in his own personal bubble; only knowing how to think about himself.

"Do you know how selfish you sound?"

"What?" Zach finally looked at him as they approached a red light.

"Zach, this isn't about Alyssa. And you know it! She barely understands what's going on. This is about you not being able to handle your feelings of me walking out on you. Yes, I understand that, that was a bad move on my behalf, but you need to realize that this was my dream. Our dream!" Jack replies, his patients running low. Zach was always so difficult. Jack never knew how to read him; he never knew what the other was thinking.

It's probably why their relationship never worked out like planned.

"Don't pin this on me! And that dream of ours was a childish thought. Never would I assume that you actually wanted to go and pursue it. And if I did, I never would have had sex with you!" Zach yelled back, turning into the school's parking lot. He parked the car and then looked at a frowning Jack. "I think you really should just forget about Alyssa and I. Things were a lot less complicated before we ran into each other at the store" his voice clearly more gentle.

"But I don't want to forget. Why can't you see that I still love you!?"

Zach stared back at him in disbelief.

"I love you, Zach. I love Alyssa. So why can't you just break down your damn walls and let me be here for you?" Jack finished, eyeing the other before him. The two stared at each other, brown meeting brown in an intense battle. The attraction was clearly still there, making Zach rethink all of his decisions.

He gave a small sigh.

"Don't make me regret this, Avery" and within a swift movement, Zach grabbed his face and smashed their lips together. It was sort of awkward from their positions, but that didn't matter at the moment.

They broke apart, foreheads leaning against each other's.

"I'm so sorry" Jack whispers.

"Let's just go get our child" Zach chuckled back. He leaned away, getting out of the car in a swift motion. Jack watched him for a few moments, before deciding to get out himself. He stalked carefully over to Zach who was already holding Alyssa with a bright smile on his face. She was obviously ranting about something, as her face was twisted and her arms were flailing everywhere.

"And then I was on the gwound, daddy. Like who does dat?" She wondered as she looked at Zach in curiosity.

"Don't know, princess. Try sharing next time" he replies. And when he noticed Jack's presence, he smiled gently. Alyssa took notice and also moved her attention so it was on her other father. She squeaked in fear, hiding her face in the crook of Zach's neck.

"Make him go away! He hurt you, daddy!" She then spoke. But just as quick as she was scared she was mad. She wiggled in Zach's grip, trying to attack Jack. The other male stepped back in shock and sadness. His own daughter didn't like him. "You make daddy cry! You big meanie!"

"Alyssa, stop! Stop it now!" She heard Zach yell. It made her huff and stop trying fight. Zach placed her back on the ground, frowning. "We do not try to hit people" she crossed her arms and looked away. Zach rolled his eyes with a sigh. "The second we get home, you're going right to bed."

She looked at him in shock, but once again dropped it into a pout. Tears slightly pricked at her eyes as she started walking back towards the car. Zach watched her go, Jack doing the same. He felt bad that he was the cause of this.

"Let me talk to her" Jack mumbled. Zach nodded, watching Jack approach the little girl who silently cried. He bent down to her level, making her whine and look away. "Baby, I didn't mean to make daddy cry. I didn't mean to make you cry. We just had a small argument about you, that's all."

"About me?" She sniffed, finally taking a glance at her father. He gave a small grin, snickering at her words.

"Yes. Daddy wanted me to leave, but I wanted to stay. I wanted to stay with you" he replies. He wiped a tear from her cheek, causing Alyssa to let a smile of her own twitch onto her lips.

"I'm sorry papa."

"Oh, don't be sorry baby" he then wraps her into a hug, loving the warmth and comfort.


This was complete and utter crap. And I'm sorry I'm so MIA. I'll try to get new chapters out sooner.


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