want | 17

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Chapter 17:

"It's cold hearted, cold hearted"
-ZAYN (Like I Would)

Christina stormed out of the room, Corbyn's voice being heard not too far behind her. It only made her want to walk away even faster. Tears brimmed her eyes as her fist clenched. And no matter how desperate the faux blonde sounded, she wasn't going to turn around. She wouldn't. After many years of the two being together, she is completely heartbroken. Not only was he cheating, but he continued to make her believe that he truly loved her. All memories of the two cuddling and mumbling the sweet words 'I love you' are being completely changed. She couldn't picture herself being the one Corbyn held tightly. It was Daniel. Every kiss, every touch. All of it was Daniel.

"Christina, please!" He managed to grab hold of her shoulder, her sucking in a shaky breath as she stopped. But the second he was within her view, she moved away. She was trying so hard to keep in her sobs. She shouldn't be crying over someone that obviously never cared for her. "I never meant to hurt you. Daniel and I-" he was stopped.

"But what about me, Corbyn!? Did you ever stop to think about how I would be affected? How heartbroken I would be?" The brunette exclaims and shoving him with her perfectly manicured hands. Corbyn simply stares at her dumbfounded. He doesn't know what to say.

Christina began to dig through the purse she had wrapped around her shoulder. Corbyn watched her move items around aggressively; beginning to wonder what was happening. And soon enough, Christina found a packet of papers, throwing them at Corbyn. He caught the papers before they fell to the ground, eyeing it over before looking at her.

"I planned on moving to LA. That's my apartment loan. I should just forget about it though. There's no point" She then softly stated, wiping a few tears from her face. Her lips seemed to be permanently stuck in a straight line as she watched Corbyn read over the first page. He began to shake his head.

"No, no. You don't need to move back. Christina, I'm sorry I hurt you this way, but please don't go" Corbyn began to plead. All the other did was shake her head. She even began to take a few steps away.

"It's too late for sorry Corbyn" she replied before turning around and stalking off. He called out for her once more, it doing nothing. She continued to leave, her form eventually no longer in sight. Corbyn threw the papers to the ground, groaning as he tugged at his blonde locks. His own tears began to blur his vision, him blinking them away.

He didn't want the others to be worried about him.

Instead he grabbed the papers from the ground, and beginning to go back into the room where all the others were held. And upon entering, he was met with silence. Looking there was only Zach and Alyssa in the room. Alyssa was occupied with a few toys, while Zach casually scrolled through his phone. But of course their attention was perked as they sensed his presence. Zach immediately stood up and went over to hug the older.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Corbyn shook his head. He didn't want to answer.

"W-Where are the others?"

"The meet and greet had started. They agreed to go out and make up an excuse on why you couldn't attend" Zach replied sheepishly. He could see the look of distress that Corbyn clearly had present on his face. The blonde didn't say anything further as he carelessly laid down on a couch. A sigh escaped his lips as he started to stare into nothing. His thoughts racked his brain. "It's going to be okay, Corbyn."

He still didn't say anything. Zach sighed as he placed his attention on his quiet daughter. She was looking at Corbyn with a frown. But Alyssa soon flicked her view to her father, standing to her feet and running over to him. Zach didn't hesitate to pick her up and allow her to rest against him.

"Corby gonna be otay?" She wondered as she played with Zach's necklace. The brunette glances at Corbyn for a second, seeing him on the brink of tears. Zach looked back at Alyssa.

"I don't know princess. How about you go and ask, while I go check and see when the others are getting done?" Alyssa perked at his words, squirming to be put down. Zach carefully allowed her on her feet, the little girl scurrying away. Zach shook his head with a grin, then turning around and going out the door.

And when seeing that her father was gone, Alyssa looked at Corbyn. He hadn't made any effort to notice her presence. Instead he continued to stare and think about everything he's done wrong. It hurt Alyssa to see one of her friends upset. And she thought it was her job to help make him happy again. First thing she did was poke his cheek. And she continued to poke his body, until he finally looked at her. She cheekily smiled. Corbyn couldn't help but smile in return.

"Corby, you nweed to top being sad" the little girl states sternly. It made him chuckle. Her mad face wasn't all that scary.

"But what if I don't want to?"

He sits up a ditzy smile plastered on his pale face. Alyssa taps her chin, seeming to be thinking about such question.

"Then no ice ceam..." Corbyn gasps. "...fwor a day" Corbyn dramatically fell over. Alyssa managed to bring his mood up without even trying.

"I can't go that long without ice cream" the faux blonde pouts. Alyssa climbs onto the couch, sitting in his lap. She then grabs his face, scrunching his cheeks together and bringing him closer. They stared at each other.

"Then top being sad."

A muffled "fine" came from Corbyn, making the little girl smile bright. She practically bounced in his lap, beginning to ramble about whatever popped in her head. All the faux blonde knew was it had to do with something about her being happy that he was happy.

The two awaited a few more moments, before the door had opened. Four figures approached talking calmly with each other; Corbyn having to tell them to quiet down. Somewhere while waiting and playing with each other, Alyssa managed to fall asleep. She was curled into Corbyn's side, a book resting on her lap.

Zach cooed at the sight, gently grabbing the little girl and allowing her to rest in his arms. And the second Corbyn was free from the small child, Daniel ran over to him and engulfed him into a tight hug. Corbyn grunted at the action. Nevertheless, he returned the hug, even breaking it slightly to gently peck the other's lips.

"I love you" Daniel blurts. Corbyn was shocked by the words, but immediately smiled after.

"I love you too."

"Yeah, yeah. Super cute. Can we leave now? I'm hungry" Jack mutters out earning a jab in the side by Jonah. The curly haired male glared at the older, before huffing and crossing his arms. Zach chuckled at the sight.

"I knew Alyssa's tantrum face looked familiar. She gets it from you, you big baby" Zach grins. Jack then looked at him, pouting. "It's okay, Jacky. I never said it wasn't adorable."

Jack smiled at his words, pecking his cheek lightly.

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