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Eliza's legs were pushing her as fast as she could run. Gally had failed to follow them, and now he would die with about seven Galders who decided to stay behind also. Eliza couldn't help but feel the disappointment of letting Alby down. She had to save all the Gladers.

During the running, Eliza noticed how Newt's limp slowing him down just a tad, so she reached over and grabbed his hand, helping him run. Eliza could feel the sweat dripping off of her forehead.

"Everybody, this way!'' Thomas yelled, trying to keep the group motivated. "Keep it up guys, we're almost there!"

They kept running, and right before they were going to run down a large corridor, Thomas stopped them. They concealed themselves behind a wall, while Thomas peeked around the corner.

"Is it Grievers?" Chuck asked.

Thomas nodded his head slowly, ''Yeah,''

Minho handed Chuck the device that they had grabbed from the Griever that Thomas killed. "Chuck, you take this. Stay behind us.''

Eliza smiled at Chuck, ''Stay with Teresa and I.''

Thomas had a look of determination in his hazel eyes. ''Once we're through, it will activate and the door will open. We stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying.'' Thomas smacked his stick on the ground. ''Ready?"

"Alright, let go!'' Thomas yelled, being the first one to run. Everyone had let out yells, charging towards the Griever. Teresa, Eliza and Chuck stayed in the back. The boys used their sticks the push the Griever up, and they managed to slide under it.

The Griever managed to knock some of the Glader's down, Eliza being one of them. She let out a yell as she swiped of the Griever's arm with her machete. However, this caused Chuck to let go of the device. "The key!'' Chuck yelled, running after it.

''Chuck!'' Eliza screamed. ''Watch the edge!''

Chuck's body was halfway on the edge, and Eliza grabbed the back of him roughly before pulling him up. "Pull me up, pull me up!''

Eliza was stumbling on her feet because of the fact that Grievers were crawling up the edge.

"Eliza!'' Thomas screamed. ''We got more coming!''

Eliza, Teresa and Chuck ran towards the end, and the device began making noises. Suddenly, it opened up. Eliza glanced back at Thomas, who was struggling to kill the Grievers. "Eliza, go!''

Eliza whipped her head around and rushed towards the door. The trio began feeling around for some sort of opening, but found none. "There's gotta be a way out, come on!''

''It won't open!'' Teresa yelled, before a code of somewhat appeared in the center.

Teresa ran forward, "Thomas, there's a code! Eight numbers!''

Eliza stared at the code, ''It's the maze sequence.''

''You were a runner, what is it?" Chuck yelled.

zugswang - the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now