Chapter 22

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Sierra p.o.v
Last night was perfect. You know, after I told him about the baby. Nate was super excited he couldn't stop talking about him. Oh yeah he also thinks it's a boy but I'm certain it's a girl.

We agree not to tell anyone until I'm at least 3 months so if I do lose another baby I don't have the difficult task of having to tell everyone.

The thought of having another baby inside me terrifies but also excites me. It feels different this time. This baby was made out of love. Love I'll always be able to save.

I roll onto my side to see Nate still softly sleeping. I gently kiss him before sliding out of bed and showering.

As I exit the bathroom I see him still asleep so decide to make breakfast for us both. We don't have a lot in the cupboards as neither of us wanted to go shopping and we gave Kyla the week off.

However, we do have the ingredients for pancakes and some fruit in the fridge.

As I finish adding the final touches to the pancakes, I place the plate on a tray along with a glass of orange juice and carry them up to our bedroom.

Nate's sitting up with his head against the headboard and his eyes shut. He hears my footsteps though as his eyes open and shoot towards me or rather the food in my hands. Nates eyes have a lustful look in them as I notice him staring at the food. I quickly place it on the bed for him as I enter the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Where are you going?" Nate calls after me with a mouthful of pancake.

"Where does it look like?" I reply sarcastically.

I quickly finish up in the bathroom and then proceed to join Nate back in bed.

"I wasn't dreaming last night was I? You are pregnant right?" He asks looking slightly concerned. I kiss the corner of his mouth where he had spilt syrup.


A huge grin plasters his face and he places the empty tray on the floor before throwing me underneath him.

"I love you." He says lowly.

"I love you too." I laugh as his hands move down my waist tickling me.

"Nate s-stop." I say giggling and trying to push him away. I cannot be held responsible for my actions when he's tickling me. It should be a law.

He eventually stops but I can't even catch my breath before he captures my lips with his.

As he slowly pulls away he mumbles something completely unexpected. "Marry me." He states.
My eyes widen as I realise he's serious. He stares at wide eyed waiting for my response.

Of course I want to marry him but I don't want to rush into any decisions.

"Can I think about it." Nates expression changes a little and he looks a bit confused.

"Of course." He says kissing my forehead and getting up. "Get ready for work love, we can go in together."


After arriving at work me and Nate both found out desks covered in work. I guess arriving late really does put you behind schedule.

"If you're struggling with your work load call me and I'll help." I say kissing Nate as I go to leave him for my office which is opposite his.

"Sierra you can't do to much, it'll stress you out and that's not good for our baby." He whispers the last part. Having someone who cares about this baby as much as I do makes my heart warm. The concerned look on his face when he mentions the baby makes me giggle as he thinks everything I do can harm it.

"Nate I'll be fine. Treat me like all your employees. Okay maybe a little differently because I love the special treatment." I say pecking his lips and entering my office. I hear him laugh as I close the door to block him out so he quits being such a distraction.

After hours and hours of paperwork I've finally re-scheduled meetings, replied to emails and signed all of the contacts. I lay back in my chair feeling exhausted.

I head downstairs to the break room and make Nate a coffee as I haven't seen him leave his office in hours.

I bump into scarlet who immediately starts questioning me.

I tell her about our 'news' as you can't keep that kind of secret from your bestie. I made her promise not to tell anyone, not even Mia, as me and Nate aren't telling anyone until after my scan tomorrow. We was going to wait for the three month scan but we're both awful at keeping secrets and decided together that we could tell people soon.

I head back up in the elevator and walk towards Nates office. I knock and then enter as I hear him answer.

I place his coffee infront of him and sit across from him.

"Sierra you don't have to get my coffee." He chuckles. I look at him slightly confused as all week he's been making me get him atleast 10 coffees everyday. Despite the fact he rarely drunk them.

"I'm still your PA Nate." I say circling the table and sitting on his lap. "You didn't mind it when you had me fetching your every desire every other day." I remind him.

"You're my every desire." He says trying to use his charms to melt me. "Besides I only done that because you were avoiding me for no reason." He rolls his eyes.

"Do you have an answer for me yet?" He asks. I think about this morning and about him asking me to marry him. Of course I'm going to say yes eventually but I like to make him wait.

I stand up, place a small kiss on his cheek before letting out a small giggle.

"Is that a yes?" He asks with a devious smirk on his face.

"Get back to work before I call your dad." I wink before closing his door.

- mads x

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