Chapter 25

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Lightning rained down around her.

The purple eyed girl hit the floor.

The fire turned to ash.

The silver lady's outstretched hand.

The water that met fire.

Over and over and over again.


"Persia." A distant voice said. "Persia! Wake up." I shot up from the couch in the helicopter, shaking, and found my face wet. Franky was there holding my shoulders up.

"She's dead." I whispered. Franky didn't try to deny it, he saw what Ember had done through his eyes. "She saved us." I whispered again.

"She saved me." He whispered. His arms slackened to his sides and he took the seat next to me on the couch. Everyone else was still sleeping, except Fern; she stood by the window and kept glimpsing back at us. She had rescued us hours ago after Bethany sent out a beacon of our locating. Luckliy Fern had found us before anything else had followed the beacon too.

She had been quiet the entire ride, only speaking briefly to Bethany, then took her spot looking out the window. From what I glimpse from their brief discussion, the camp had been under siege until hours ago when the Crystal Code had been restored. She raced to the helicopter and got Bethany's message and location.

Now, Franky and I sat on the couch, lost in thought.

"Ember was good." I whispered. "No matter what she did in the past. She was good."

"Yes. I'd never deny that." He said softly. I gave him a simple nod and leaned against his shoulder.

"I missed you." A faint smile appeared on my own face. "Stubborness and all."

"Expecially the stubborness." He reminded, Then I felt him go grim again. I pulled away to look at him. "I missed you, Persia. Trapped in my own body, I still saw through my eyes. I still can't forget all the things I did to you and your new... friends." I looked into his eyes for a full second before he averted his gaze. "You know I'm bad at this cheesy stuff, but I mean it with full... Sincerity." I must have had my mouth open because he asked, "What?"

"It's just- is that really Franky in there?" His eyes darkened with shadows then with a blink, returned with what looked like humor. His mouth twisted upward a pinch. "I guess not." I rolled my eyes. "Is that a smile?"

"I like to call it a smirk." He said, face unreadable as usual.

"Hey guys." I saw Bethany sat up from where she had been sleeping against Emma on the couch facing us. She looked at Franky. "I'm Bethany."

"I know." His eyes iced over so I nudged him in the ribs. He didn't say anything still.

"Well just- you know, formally introduction." Her small smile quickly grew into a thin line.

"This doesn't seem very formal." Franky pointedly looked around at the helicopter like he's seen better.

"I thought he was an orphan too." Bethany mumbled under her breath.

"He was." I mumbled in return.

"Was?" He pointedly ignored Bethany with his question.

"Yea, silly." Nothing in his face was silly, only dead serious. "We are moving to the camp... permantely."

"So we just disappear off the face of the Earth? You know the cops are trying to find us, and this helicopter most likely. I mean it's kind of hard to not see a white helicopter pick someone up."

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