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Brendon cocked his head, "Why would he be jealous?"
Lola raised an eyebrow, "Literally everyone knew he had a crush on me since the school play,"
Brendon frowned, "I didn't know,"
Lola giggled faintly, intertwining her fingers with his, "he tried to kiss me at one point- but I was so deeply attached to you that I bitch slapped him."                                                                                                        The male chuckled, "I wish I was there for that."                                                                                                      Lola smiled softly, laying down into his shoulder. The pair fell asleep, huddled together.
However, it wasn't long before Lily woke up and was shouting at Lola and Brendon to wake up.
"Come on! My friend is in town and you both can drive!" The teenager yelled. Lola rubbed her eyes, "Okay damn! I'll drive you to wherever-."
Lily grinned, "Thanks sis."
Brendon finally stirred, "Fuck- Shit- Fuck."
He hurriedly got up, "I need to leave- Tour." He explained, gathering his things, before planting a kiss on Lola's lips, "Promise me you'll join me on your?"
Lola smiled, "I wouldn't miss it."
The boy smiled once more before rushing out of the apartment to get to his tour bus, setting off to the next location. Lily stood in awe, "You're going on tour- with Panic at the disco?"
Lola nodded, "I'll tell them you said hi- now where the fuck am I taking you?"
Lily rolled her eyes, "Just drop me off somewhere downtown- I'm meeting with Robby and Izzy." She explained, grabbing a small side purse. Lola grabbed her car keys, exiting the apartment. They got into Lola's car, chatting.
"So- this Izzy, is she your girlfriend?" Lola questioned.
Lily laughed lightly, "firstly, thanks for remembering that I'm very gay, secondly, no she's with Robby," she gagged jokingly, "They hold hands and kiss constantly, I get it, I'm lonely."
Lola laughed at her sister, "Has mom came around to the idea that she might not get grandkids out of you?"
"Nope. She's basically forcing me to adopt at this point- she's gonna be so thrilled Brendon is back in your life, she loves him," Lily told Lola, "He will make cute babies." She winked. Lola groaned, "We just got back in each other's lives, it's not like we are dating or anything."
Lily snorted, "I know you two had a full on makeout session last night, and you two had a sorrowful goodbye kiss,"
Lola shrugged, "Fight me Lily."
They eventually arrived at the location, Lily said goodbye to Lola, and gave her a time to pick her up. Lola drove back to apartment to start packing. She got a call from Brendon.
"Hey Darlin'" Brendon's voice rang through the room.
"Hey" Lola said cheerfully, "I've started packing- what the fuck do you wear on a tour?" She whined into the phone.
Brendon heartily chuckled, "Stuff that's comfortable,"
Lola grinned, picking up a red patterned shirt, "I still have the shirt of your first album,"
Brendon smiled, "You do?"
She folded the shirt, "Yep, it's old now though," Brendon frowned, "I have to go, see you soon?" Lola cleared her throat, "see you soon Bren." They both hung up, Lola threw her phone onto her bed, before throwing herself with it. She groaned in boredom, sifting through her suitcase, she had packed for a couple weeks, hopefully the tour bus had a washing machine. She sat up, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, thinking to herself that her hair as boring. She wanted change. Growing up in a strict, Mormon household, she didn't have the freedom to do things like dye her hair. Lola got off of her bed, slipping some shoes on and grabbing her keys, purse and phone. She left her apartment, locking the door the heading down to her car. She drove to the nearest beauty shop, walking inside. She floated around the store before finding the hair dyes, she eventually chose a blue hair dye, mumbling under her breath, "fuck it," A few hours later, Lola was sat on her couch with blue hair. She was waiting Lily to text her, alas she did. Lola drove to meet her sister, who was smiling, "Hey Lol, cool hair," she smiled, getting into her older sisters car, "can we get pizza?" she asked, fastening her seatbelt. Lola rolled her eyes, "sure," The sisters were sat eating pizza and watching marvel films, one of their pastimes. One year, Lola took Lily to comic con, it was.. eventful. 15 nerdy guys dressed as various characters hit on Lola, yeah they aren't going again. Lily laid down, her legs over Lola's lap. Lola frowned, "I'm not a footstool you dick," Lily laughed mischievously, "I'm the guest." Lola pushed her younger sisters legs off of her lap and stood up, "Come on." Lily furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "what?" Lola sighed, "Mom said you need go home early, something about me wanting to go on a tour," Lily frowned, "cunt- you need yo make it up to me, okay?" Lola smiled, "of course I will, now grab your shit and if your quick I'll get you mcDonalds." Lily grinned, running to the spare bedroom to pack. Lola laughed softly, grabbing her phone and calling her mom.

"Hey mom, I'm bringing Lily home early, somethings came up,"

"okay hon, that's fine, but what came up?"

"Oh uhm, Brendon invited me to join his band on tour-"



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