Part 15

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Alex's POV

6 months later

I can't believe my baby girl is already two, today is her second birthday. The party is at our house. We dress her in a white dress with butterflies, and Jo does her hair. Lizzy can talk in small sentences, but a lot of it is mumbo jumbo. I change her diaper while the guests start to arrive. We invited the same people from her last birthday. 

"Happy birthday baby." I say and kiss her on the head.

"Birfday." She replies.

"Yeah, shall we go see mama." I pick her up and we go to the living room where everyone is gathered. 

I set her down and she runs to Leo.

"Leo!" she yells and goes and hugs him. 

"Happy birthday." he says. Leo is 7 months older than Lizzy so he is a much better talker.

The party is great and Liz is having a great time. Owen comes up to me and hands me a beer.

"Our kids are gonna make the cutest couple." Owen says.

"Yeah, but Liz doesn't go for players." We laugh.

By the time the party is over it is already 9:30, way past Liz's bedtime. I put her to bed and go jump into bed with Jo.

"Guess what today is." I say.


"Lizzy is two years old so we can start trying for another."

"I guess we better get on that."

We spend the rest of the night together. I can't wait to have another baby, maybe a boy this time.

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