Chapter 2: Baby injection

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*Ross pov *

This happened with Ross right around the time I lost my baby boy.

One day after a concert at LA I was talking with all of my siblings and parents about giving my sperm for a donation to the hospital for girls that don't have a guy to give them a baby when they want one. The all looked at me weird except for Riker and Rocky they actually said they'd go with to donate theirs. Rydel thought we were joking but nope we aren't. Then she thought who ever gets the sperm of one of us she'll have a niece or nephew. It was around my birthday when we all went to give our sperm. I felt relieved that I was donating so a women can have a baby when they don't have a partner. I just hope the doctor does call me when my sperm is used so I know who is having my baby!

*my pov*

Almost half a year later I'm finally ready to try for a new baby. I took Jazmine with me because I didn't want to be alone for the injection. I was so nervous I was gripping Jaz's hand hard "Kate whats wrong?"

"Nothing why?"

"Your kinda squeezing my hand hard!"

"Oh sorry!"

"Its alright . . . . Are you sure your ready to be pregnant again?"

"I'm ready I want a baby!"

"Ok well if your ready why are you squeezing my hand so hard?"

"I don't know . . . . I know how to calm myself!"

I put one of my earphones in and listened to R5.

"Let me guess R5?"

"Mhm . . . . Ross's singing voice always calms me!"

Little while later a nurse came into the waiting room "I'm looking for Kate Rankin your next!"

"That's me . . . ."

Jaz said "need me to come with?"


"Of course I will!"

Me and jaz followed the nurse to the hospital room.

"Just lay down and get comfortable! I'll have a couple questions for you before the doctor comes in."

"Ok . . . ."

"First have you been pregnant ever?"

"Um (I had tears come to my eyes) y-yes."

She asked acouple more questions the left as she said "the doctor will be right in."

15 minutes later the doctor came in with a nurse carrying acouple different things I didn't know what they were. Soon enough the doctor was ready to insert the sperm in me.

"alright ms rankin breath in deap and breath out when I say . . . . (I breathed in as I was gripping Jaz's hand) Ok here we go 1 . . . . 2 . . . . 3 breath out. (I breathed out slowly and loosened my grip on Jaz's hand) Alright it's in now I need to see you back in a month to see if it worked!"

"Thanks doc!"

"Anytime . . . ."

Jaz drove me home, which is a different home then the one I lived in with Jason. I couldn't live there anymore I just kept re living the night Jason rapped me.

*flashback 4 months after I lost my boy and Jason got put in jail*

One morning after a not so good night sleep I went down stairs to get me some coffee. As I was walking to the front room I saw the wall that Jason had me against when he rapped me and killed my baby. I leaned against that wall and felt like I was back at that night him giving me super hard thrust and making me have pain shot up threw my spine. I got snapped out of it by jaz "Kate . . . . Kate you ok?"

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