Chapter Ten

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Chapter 10

Killua POV

A bright light intruded my room as the sun began to rise. I groaned out, silently cursing myself for being too lazy to close the blinds last night.

Last night, it was a blur after I had sung for Gon— thinking about it brought a harsh blush to my face. I couldn't believe I had done it, and so willingly, but it just proved how whipped I was of Gon. And it seemed to be getting worse, I couldn't refuse Gon anything and would probably end up doing something stupid with little to no complaints. I'm too damn connected to the boy that was my new sun. The boy with the smile that could stop the universe.

I'm so damn whipped.

I rolled over, my eyes landing on the old ukulele feeling to urge to pick it up and play the strings. That's how it always felt when I was around instruments. I had the pull towards them and I took me all my energy to not just pick them up and play them until my fingers would bleed— I'm not even sure I would stop them.

Downstairs I could hear the sound of a person, or persons, working in the kitchen. The sound of pots clanging together and the small buzz of conversation made me groan slightly knowing that I'd either have to get up sometime soon or face the wrath of one of Gon's many, shall we say, inventive ways of waking me up. So, gathering the little energy I had, I got up and kneeled down by my suitcase, pulling out a plain black tee, ripped blue acid washed jeans, and my toiletries, before I walked into the bathroom and got myself ready.

It wasn't until fifteen minutes later that I had made my way into the kitchen, grumbling out a good morning while leaning my forehead against the wall. Hearing a small laugh, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I rotated my head to see Gon smiling at me, holding what smelled to be a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Good morning' sleepy head, " he chuckled while I took the coffee, sighing as I felt the hot liquid slide down my throat.

"Thanks," I whispered before looking over at Mito to see her shaking her head at us.

"I told you that you two would be tired, you should've come home earlier," she mumbled before pointing at Gon. "I'm going to give you boys three hours to do whatever, then I need you back here to help me prep for tonight."


"I don't believe you,"

"No, I'm serious," Gon whined, waving his arms around as if it would convince me he was right. "They call it the King of the Lake and I caught it when I was twelve. The thing was almost as big as a house and I pulled it out of the lake all on my own."

I rolled my eyes, before turning my attention away to look into one of the shop windows. "Yeah, I can believe that you caught the thing, but I don't believe that it was that massive. The size of twenty men? A house? Aren't you exaggerating a little bit?"

He puffed out his cheeks, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water before he whined— obviously at a loss for words. "I mean, it probably is... I was twelve and I don't remember it that well," he muttered under his breath. "But, it was absolutely massive! It had to be at least as big as a full grown man!"
Turning back to face him, I smirked before patting his shoulder, continuing to walk down the street. "Show me a picture and then I'll believe you."

At this time, it was a little past noon. Mito wanted us to be home in about an hour or so, which gave us a little more time to wander our way up to the house. I continued to stare into the shops, most of which were closed, due to today being a major holiday and, seeing as half the island was filled with privately owned shops, not many of them were open for business.

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