Chapter Ten

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The peace that I found in those first few days with David was short lived. The chaos and disruption that found me was partly what I was used to: my Sight wreaking havoc on my life, and partly something I had never experienced: the chaotic mess that was David's chosen family.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. Like always. This is the Now, not the Will Be, and I'm writing of the Then. Of the Then, not the Will Be.

It's often hard for me to tell them apart. 

... I've said that already, haven't I?

For a few days after I woke in David's bed for the second time, I slept deep, healing sleeps due to the painkillers. I woke only when David came to check on me, and to bring me food. He was the only one I saw in those first few days, but I knew Ben made most of the meals he brought me, and Noah made the teas the few times David brought me tea. I could feel them in what they prepared, so by the time I had been properly introduced, not in a pain-confusion-and-drug-filled stupor, I felt as if I knew them. For I knew their souls through the time and effort they had spent in helping me.

After I spent the majority of the day cleaning David's apartment, trying to pay him back for everything he was doing for me, in some small part, and his subsequent temper tantrum, we spent the night talking, laughing, and growing closer.

And although I knew, from the way he watched me the next morning over his coffee and Jim Butcher novel, that it hadn't been the same for him, and he seemed to regret the time he had spent, and the affection he had shown, I had spent the night falling for him.

Which was absolutely ridiculous in the worst way. Not that I had ever been in love with Lyle, even for a moment, but God, I must be some kind of masochistic idiot if I was willing to put myself under the thumb of another man. Give another man power over me, the way loving him would.

But my idiotic heart wouldn't listen to the sobbing in my mind and the broken way I still flinched when he even moved too suddenly or spoke too loud. Oh no. It was far too stupid to listen to reason.

So I fell for him. Quickly. And he noticed. Just as quickly. And after that night, and the subsequent awkward morning, he kept me at arm's length.

And I blamed him not a bit, even as my heart made pathetic mewling noises deep in my chest.

That night changed very little over the next few days. David had never touched me much, probably sensing my aversion to it, and I had been asleep for the majority of my time in his home. It wasn't until my first day at the bookstore that I noticed just how uncomfortable my affection for him made him.

And how little he believed in anything he couldn't see, hear, or touch.

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