Chapter Fourteen

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I had wondered how exactly David was going to react to my admission, and completely ignoring most of what I had said was pretty much how I had thought he would handle what I had told him. He had successfully brushed over pretty much everything I had said, breaking it down to something rude I had said to Noah, and reassuring me that he would talk to him and we would get it figured out.

Although I knew he was the only one that would be appeased that easily, I was grateful for being able to relax, at least for the night. I wouldn't have to worry about the consequences of my Sight, at least until morning.

Although I knew I would have to worry about the consequences, despite his reassurances. From their reactions, I had said things to or about Noah I shouldn't have known. And I would need to explain how I knew.

It was never the explaining that got me into trouble. It was their reactions once they knew how I had known things about them they never wanted people to know.

I knew nothing I said to David tonight would sway him, so I kept silent after he reassured me again, and let myself be lulled to sleep by his soft breaths from the couch, and the warmth I could still feel where his fingers had brushed my face.

The next morning was like the few before it. I woke when David exited the shower, and he dressed, then made breakfast while I showered and dressed. We ate breakfast almost silently, cleaned the dishes side by side, and then David moved toward the door, gesturing me to follow.

With one last pat on Her Majesty's head, I followed David down the stairs.

And into a completely silent bookshop. Ben had opened the store, but there were no customers and Ben was eerily quiet. He glanced up when David's heavy boots hit the wood floor, but his gaze fixed stubbornly away from me.

"Morning," David called, sidling up to Ben with a sleepy smile. "Would you mind keeping an eye on the place for a few minutes with Zin? I'm going to head next door. I shouldn't be long."

"Keep an eye on the freak so I can go assess the damage he caused," I translated for David in my head, trying to keep my hands from shaking. I could feel Noah coming towards David's store, but I had no idea why. His aura was... hesitant. And sad.

He could be coming to condemn me, or to forgive me.

I couldn't tell which.

I've never claimed my "gift" was reliable, have I?

I grabbed David's hand, flinching at the contact. My senses were always heightened that much more when I was skin-to-skin. It was one of the reasons I avoided touch. But with David, there was also a sort of calming effect. Although he caused my heart to race, my stomach to clench, and my face to heat, there was something he did to my soul, my mind, that loosened my shoulders and allowed me to breathe past the lump that had been in my throat since I had woken and the events of the night before flashed before my eyes.

"Just wait," I whispered, followed closely by the ringing of the bells above the front door, announcing Noah's entrance.

"Morning," Noah called, turning to shut the door behind him and then smiling quietly up at David.

Ben stared at me, his expression unreadable, but David only smiled back at Noah and nodded.

"Morning, Noah. I was just coming over to see you."

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