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Chapter Five... Broken Girl


Months later...

Valencia and I have been hanging out more, she was spending the night, this night, and she was in my bed watching a film, when we hear ding coming from her phone... She reads it and she says. ''I'm gonna go to the bathroom and talk to this person, don't wait up.'' She kisses my cheek. ''Okay.'' I look into her eyes, and for the first time since we met I saw sadness filling her big brown eyes.

It was about twenty to thirty minutes and she was still in there, when I heard crying. I get up and knock on the white door. ''Valencia is everything okay?'' she continues to cry. She hasn't cried in front of me in months. ''Baby? Val? Are you okay?'' She just keeps crying, then a minute of silence, then she screamed and started crying again. ''Valencia!'' I jiggle the door knob, but it was locked. ''Valencia!'' I heard her crying harder, and I was mad at whoever made her feel like this. I push my body up to the door harder for the last time, until it opened. ''Valencia!'' I run the five feet distance I was from. ''Valencia baby what's wrong?'' She didn't answer, just cried. ''Baby, tell me, and I'll make it go away.'' Then as I touched her thigh she jumped. She just kept crying. ''Baby, please tell me, I'll make it go away.'' Then I see her phone. ''You can't help Harry, not this time. Not this time baby. Not this time.'' I take her phone and there were multiple messages.

206-389-2289: Harry styles is stupid and sucks at everything including dick

425-789-3257: Harry styles should go kill himself

206-898-3698: Harry Styles is a faggot and he should kill himself by jumping off a cliff

Garrick: You're a bitch, and a whore, if you ever meet Harry Kyles tell him to go fuck off and jump off a 20 foot tall stage head first

Valencia: His last name is Styles Garrick

Garrick: Idfc he's a dick.

Valencia: How do you know Garrick? He helps people he came up with the quote treat people kindness, he's not a player, like you why are you talking to me anyway? You're in a different part of Washington state than me, you broke up with me

206-555-3658: Harry Styles was born on a highway cause he was definitely an accident, tell him to go jump of the golden state bridge.

I soon felt something wet on my hand as I finished reading the messages. I look at her thigh and blood was on my hand I jump back a little. ''Valencia what happened?'' I looked around the bathroom, and see a razor with blood drops around it and on the razor, then I soon realise that she was bleeding from her arms. ''Baby-.'' ''I don't even know them. I don't know who they are, and I'm so confused on why me...'' ''Why do people have to do this to me!? What did I do to them!? I don't even know them!? Why me!?'' ''Shhh, shhh, baby everything will be alright I promise.'' I wrap my arms around her waist as we were both standing up now. ''Baby wrap your arms around me.'' ''Harry-.'' ''I don't care if you get blood on my white shirt, you mean so much to me, I can't loose you, not now not ever, baby you mean so much, you bring me home wherever I go, and if I loose you to death, I'll be lonely. I'll have no one to bring me home I'll be so lonely...'' ''I'm sorry Harry.'' ''For what?'' ''For hurting myself.'' ''Don't, it's not your fault.'' ''Yes, it is.'' ''No, no it is not.'' She doesn't respond she just holds on tightly to me. ''Lets get you cleaned up.'' She nodded her head yes, and I lifted her up on my waist, and she felt so good on my waist, I walk to the sink counter, and I set her down. I get a wash cloth and rubbing alcohol. ''This is gonna sting.'' ''I know.'' I was confused what she meant, because it meant something else. I look at her arm and there were multiple, little cuts. ''Oh, Valencia.'' I say my voice cracking, cause I wanted to cry. I saw a tear splash on her thigh. And I saw about five cuts there also. ''The first time you saved me, I promised that I would never cut again, it went on for over a year, but everybody at my school started saying things about you, and I broke that promise.'' ''Val, can you promise me something?'' ''Anything, H.'' ''Promise me, that if somebody says anything to you again, that you'll come to me first and not the razor? And you won't cut again?'' ''I promise...'' We were soon done she didn't even flinch, cry, or cringe.

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