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Chapter Fifteen... The Promise...

Harry and Valencia...


''Babe? Are you home?'' I ask, the empty kitchen/ hallway, looking at the mail. then I see a note, that says

I'm in the shower babe, I love you...

~Valencia Serrano

I put my keys on the kitchen counter, same with the mail. I walk upstairs to our bedroom, and go to our closed bathroom door, to hear the shower door open and close. Valencia starts singing to one of my songs. She was so adorable, and I just wanted to marry her and have her be the mother of my children already, but I have to wait. She might think that it's too soon. I quietly open the bathroom door, and quietly close it, I get undressed. Lucky for me that whenever Valencia started a shower she always faced away from the showerhead. I walked up to the shower and get in. I hug Valencia from behind. ''Hey baby.'' I say as I sigh, closing my eyes, as I can finally be happy, now that I was with Valencia. ''Hey Harry, how was work?'' ''I love my job, but stressful.'' ''I know it can be, but I'm glad you're here we can both relax in each other's arms as I drink tea, and you drink coffee or water, whatever you want to drink I'll get it.'' ''I love you, but I'll just drink tea with you and we can watch a film.''

''Okay, if that's what you want.'' ''It is, I just wanna snuggle you.'' ''Same here.'' We clean each other, and then get out of the shower. We walk into our bedroom and I give her track shorts, a bra and underwear, with a shirt of mine. ''Thanks.'' She says as she pecks my lips. After we got dressed, we ordered pizza, and laid in bed, watching some of Valencia's horror films like Mercy, and The Uninvited, I was confused by that one, but then we searched it up, and it all made sense. We then watched rom-coms, Valencia rolling her eyes when I said we were gonna watch The Notebook. But then we made a deal that, if we watched The Notebook, that we could watch whatever she wanted, for the rest of the night. It was Saturday, so it was tradition to watch a marathon of rom-coms, with a few other genre's. Val liked to call it rom-com Saturday; It was cute.

When we ran out of ice cream, Val and I went to the store to get snacks and more ice cream. She chose coffee, mint chocolate chip, and cookie dough. While I chose, cookies and cream. We had both decided that we would share considering, we liked to share with each other, and we always bought half gallons. We then wanted snacks. Val wanting Haribo gummy bears, and limon chips, which in English is simply lime. I wanted Haribo gummy bears also, and water.

''Oh, how I love to be home sometimes.'' I say. ''I've never really liked to be anywhere that I call home.'' ''Why?'' I ask, Valencia looked genuinely sad. ''What's wrong Val?'' ''I don't know, when I moved out of Kent I spent the first few years of my life there. Everything was good; I had a dad, I had a mom, and sure they fought, but I didn't know that. All I knew is that they were happy. I had good relationships with my family. But then we moved to Renton, and that all changed. I didn't have a dad anymore, one of my brother's and I fought twenty-four-seven, then everything went down-hill from there. I made new friends in middle school, and I got with the wrong group, and I treated my mom unfairly, but I didn't know till now how much she deserved it; cause she always took her favourite child's side, and I was always wrong, and the disappointment in life. Whenever she said she was disappointed in me, it didn't affect me. But with my brother DeAngelo, who's the favourite by the way, affected him so much and with Antonio, all she had to do was not talk to him, and that would affect him; and with me... Nothing affected me. She wouldn't talk to me, I wouldn't talk to her, and I spent time in my room. When she said she was disappointed with I would simply say 'okay'. I always just spent time in my room, cause I was the outcast in my family, and they didn't hide it. I just want to live in my old house in Kent again, where everything was happy to me.'' ''Oh.'' Was all I can manage to say. It was sad, and it kinda made me feel bad that I wasn't good enough, so she could feel like she was home, cause wherever I was with her, I felt like I was home. But I understood, why she could feel that way, Valencia never had a good, amazing life, like how other people do, and I was pretty sure she would give anything to live in that house and be happy again.

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